Michael Helms
11 posts
Mike is a firearms historian and handgun shooting enthusiast. With almost 20 years of experience in the shooting sports, Mike loves to contrast a company’s latest offerings with its ancestral guns. He doesn’t shy away from modern technology, though, and some of his favorite guns are “plastic fantastics.” A devotee to iron sights and a believer in the Weaver stance, he has nearly given up on leather holsters and now prefers kydex. Mike sits on the board of directors for the Smith & Wesson Collectors Association and is a member of the American Society of Arms Collectors, and he is writing a book about Smith & Wesson’s Model 1 revolver. He holds a degree in history and lives near the bayous of southern Louisiana.
Mike is a trained firearms instructor and competitive shooter. He is a member of the USCCA.
Glock 44 Review: Is It the Best .22LR Gun?
The Glock 44 is the newest addition to the Glock line-up, packing some major heat. Literally and figuratively. This baby can shoot .44 magnum rounds, some of the most powerful rounds on the market. Plus, it has all the features that have made Glocks so popular over the years: durability, accuracy, and ease of use. ... Read more
August 2, 2023
Glock 40 MOS [Review]: A 10mm Hand Cannon
If you’re looking for reviews on Glock handguns chambered in the .40 S&W caliber, then this is not it. Here, we’ll have the Glock 40 MOS review. The Glock 40 is chambered in the much more powerful 10mm round. If .40 S&W is your thing, check out our Glock 23 review. Glock 40 MOS Review: ... Read more
August 7, 2023
CMP M1911 review (Civilian Marksmanship Program)
Summary What is the Civilian Marksmanship Program? In 1903 the US Congress created the Office of the Director of Civilian Marksmanship to help improve marksmanship skills among America’s civilian populace. The program that evolved out of this is now known as the Civilian Marksmanship Program. It has been front and center in promoting safe and ... Read more
January 8, 2022
Hunter Education Study Guide [Ultimate Resource]
Hunting has been around for millions of years and is still widely practiced around the world. In early civilizations, people hunted daily to provide food for themselves and their families. The pelts were used for clothing, while the horns, teeth, and bones were used to make weapons or tools. Hunting for survival became less necessary ... Read more
May 10, 2021
Beginner Firearm Safety, From Safe Storage to Safe Shooting
The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees that U.S. citizens have the right to keep and bear arms. Along with this constitutional right comes the responsibility to be careful and conscientious gun owners. This includes storing firearms and ammunition properly and securely. Responsible gun ownership also involves using guns in a safe manner. Keep your ... Read more
May 10, 2021
Military Spending of the USA: 1960-2021
Executive Summary Introduction President George Washington said in the First State of the Union Address in 1790 that “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” One implication of the American founding father’s assertion is that war, peace, and military spending are closely linked. Military expenditure of a ... Read more
June 2, 2021
A Glossary For Firearms: All Terms and Gun Lingo Explained
Anyone who uses firearms needs to have a full understanding of their anatomy, capabilities, and power. It’s also crucial to know how to discharge firearms safely, how to maintain them, and how to store them. This is why we’ve compiled this glossary which includes all of the important terms that pertain to firearms. Gun owners ... Read more
April 30, 2021
[Review] Smith and Wesson 617: The Perfect Revolver?
Smith and Wesson 617 summary Introduction A descendent of the 1899 K-frame Smith & Wesson’s Model 617 shares the company’s K frame heritage that stretches back to 1899. K frame guns were worn by American soldiers in both World Wars, served as duty weapons to virtually every police agency in the country, and provided millions ... Read more
February 6, 2022
Investment piece? The $3,695 Ed Brown 1911 [Review]
Ed Brown 1911 Classic Custom in summary Ed Brown 1911, the Classic Custom, is one maker’s interpretation of what a perfect 1911 should be. Blending John Moses Browning’s genius with modern technology and a healthy dose of hand craftsmanship, the Classic Custom leaves nothing to be desired. Fun and quality come at a price: the ... Read more
January 10, 2022
PSA AR10 Review – Steak Features for Hamburger Prices
Summary Palmetto State Armory’s Gen3 PA10 platform (PSA AR10) is a solid and well-made performer in the AR-10 space, and at its price point (MSRP of $1349, but it can sometimes be found for $1179) it is tough to beat. PSA’s superb reputation for after-service support shouldn’t be necessary, but it’s comforting to know that ... Read more
April 8, 2021
USCCA membership: Training You Cannot Afford Not To Have [Reviewed by a firearms instructor]
Introduction Here are two scenarios. One will probably feel familiar to you. In the first scenario: you recently became a first-time gun buyer along with five million other Americans over the last year. Maybe you had been thinking about purchasing a firearm for some time, or it may have been a spontaneous decision. In either ... Read more
March 16, 2021