In this Article:
The CAA USA (also known as CAA Gear Up) Micro-RONI is a folding shoulder stock for several different popular pistols. It is shown here with a Glock 19X riding in it, with a SIG Romeo red-dot sight up top. Some shoulder stock models are even adjustable, with several positions available.
I am one to leave guns alone and not try to make them into something they weren’t born to be. However, when I was shooting this combo, it felt good with the stock against my shoulder. It did stabilize the gun a bit more and allowed me to use the red-dot SIG sight, which couldn’t be done normally with an unmodified Glock.
It also helped with recoil, holding the muzzle down for follow-up shots. Additionally, it allows the gun to be inserted and removed without tools other than your fingers.
To insert, push your pistol into the opening until it clicks, then flip the lever up to lock it. To remove the gun, flip that same lever down, pull a tab above the foregrip and pull the gun out.
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CAA USA, located in Pompano Beach, Florida, make a variety of shoulder stocks and accessories for shooters — both law enforcement/military and civilians.
To quote from their website:
“CAA USA is a designer, developer and distributor of modern tactical accessories, optics and handgun conversion kits targeting the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement and firearm enthusiasts across the globe.
CAA USA outfits firearms for maximum performance in any environment. Our innovative products improve your accuracy, grip, aim, and enhance balance and performance. When equipping your firearm with our range of accessories, the userâs daily operations will become fluid and consistent.”
I went over and over the website, trying to pin down just exactly what model my friend Devan loaned me to review. The more I looked and the deeper I went, the more variations I saw. I can’t tell you exactly which model this stock is, except that it is a RONI version of their Micro Conversion Kit (MCK).
A side note: you need to watch the macaroni video HERE. It is very tongue-in-cheek and plays upon the RONI name.
So, it seems that the one I shot has had several items added to it, including the red dot sight, a different fore grip, a couple of side rail hand guard attachments to the rails behind the muzzle, and a light. The website offers many additional items that you can add to your stock.
Stabilizer or Stock?
It is important to note that most of the CAA shoulder stocks come in two versions: the non-tax-stamp-needed shoulder brace and the full meal deal shoulder stock that will cost you extra bucks or so in order to be legal.
My sample has the folding stock (not the stabilizer) which makes it way too easy to hit what you’re aiming at, even at ranges beyond where you might normally aim your Glock 9mm (or any 9mm, for that matter).
So, as I found out, there are well over 15 different stocks in either stabilizer or shoulder stock guise, with all kinds of extra doo-dads you can hang off them. I only mention the mainline stocks — that doesn’t include the finish variations.
Plain shoulder braces start at around $249 and go up from there to over $500 or so for folding, adjustable stocks. This is, of course, before you add any extra items or pay the tax stamp if needed. I can see where you might end up paying at least as much for the stock as you did for the pistol that goes in it, but if making a carbine out of a four-or-so-inch-barreled pistol is your thing, I say go for it — it is a pretty cool unit.
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CAA Micro-RONI Shoulder Stock Photos
Let’s look at the one I had my hands on up close.

Here’s a close-up of the breech area.
The charging handle is visible behind the branding. That piece is loose and will fall out with the latch down and no gun. It is the part that grabs the Glock’s slide — you can see it just behind the gun’s extractor. This is the handle you pull to load the chamber, as the part is attached by friction to the gun’s slide, and the handle retracts the slide.

Here’s the business end. You can see the side rail hand guard in place, as well as the light below the muzzle.

Another shot of the light. You’ll also see just under the side rail hand guard a very out-of-focus tab. There is another on the other side — pull these down to release the pistol for removal.

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And, what would any hinged stock be without its hinge and latch? Here you go. Just press in on the latch shown to open it.
Finally, here’s the latch that locks the pistol in place. The website has some pretty well-done explanatory videos that show how to insert and remove your pistol.
This is one phase of this stock that is well-thought-out. No tools are needed, and the insertion/ removal is quick once you figure it out. It took me a couple of tries, but it worked as advertised. You can see the charging handle above the opening.

Do You Need a CAA Micro-RONI Shoulder Stock?
I might think the answer could be YES if you.
- Are involved with law enforcement and have a use for the stock (if it is sanctioned for use, of course).
- Like shooting your Glock 20 10mm but want a bit more support. You may also try the RONI G2-10 Stab CAA Tactical Roni Stabilizer for the Glock 20 & 21.
- Need to keep the varmint population down at your homestead. You may try one of these with your pistol of choice (check the website for pistol models supported). This should help keep things stabile.
- Just want to have fun on the range as these things tend to draw crowds.
If you are just looking for something different to add to your collection, a CAA Gear Up stabilizer or stock should fill that bill. I could see using one if they made it for my Springfield Armory XDM .45 compact model, but all I saw were models for Springfield 9mm and 40 calibers. (The grip safety would no doubt require some engineering to overcome, at any rate).
But if I owned a compatible gun, I might consider putting one on the gun. It does change the dynamic. It just is different. I reviewed a Troy Industries other firearms a while back. That was a short 9mm with a shoulder stock. You can check it out here. It looks like an AR, but in 9mm. It uses a stabilizing brace, so it falls through the BATF’s cracks and doesn’t require that tax stamp expenditure. That was one fun gun to shoot, and these CAA shoulder stocks remind me of that experience.
The Recoil Problem of the CAA Micro-RONI Shoulder Stock
The older I get, the less I like recoil. The guns I own tend not to have much kick. I have rifle calibers such as the .243 and .223, handguns like 9mm, .22, .38 Special, and .44 Magnum.
I’m an unreformed, inveterate handloader and I tend to load my esteemed 629 down a bit. No need to bend anything on the gun or me. The several deer I’ve killed with that 8-inch-plus-barreled stainless beauty didn’t know that the hard-cast 255-grain semi-wadcutter that went through their boiler room was moving at only 1100 or so feet per second. But they went down anyway.
My point is that if I were to acquire a new, AR gun, it would probably be for a caliber such as the .350 Legend or 9mm. I might just go with something like the CAA stock or stabilizer and just add it to a pistol. With the right sight up top, it would make a dandy little close-range pest eradicator or target gun.
Wrap Up
This CAA stock business just might be the lesser-expensive answer to the possible question in your mind about wanting to buy a 9mm (or other caliber) AR pistol but not being able to afford it. Some of them can be pretty salty in the dollar category. If you already own a supported pistol (see the website for a list of pistols supported by the different models), you can add one of these for under $300 and then, in essence, have a pistol-caliber (conversion) carbine.
You won’t get a longer barrel, but you will get better sights. Either iron with a longer sight radius, a red dot, a scope, shoulder support, light mounting area, and other perks. This little stock makes a lot of sense in some circumstances and is worth the price of admission.
Please feel free to chime in below if you own one of these or a similar product — we’d like to hear from you. As always, shoot straight and stay safe.
I own one for my glock 20 with a Romeo red dot mounted along with magpul mbus sights, made a world of a difference in long range accuracy. Might try it out deer hunting this year
Alan, good plan. The extra accuracy sure can’t hurt. Thanks for writing!
Will a Colt Delta Elite, 10 MM, pistol, 9 rounds, 258 JHP, Work?
Jim, according to Andy at CAA, they do not make one for a 1911. Thanks for asking!
Kite flying in a submarine:
Perhaps possible, but rather pointless. If you have 300 bucks laying around that you don’t need, maybe think of something more productive than spending it on a ludicrous toy that needs some pretty fancy footwork to rationalize. If thats your ‘thing’, then by all means, go for it. I mean, if you send me one I’ll take it, and after I play with it awhile i will sell it, A decent sight or training class would be a better use of the cash resource, IMO.
Now, if I had $6K burning a hole in my pocket, with more to spare, I might buy a DWM 1917 8″ barrel Artillery Luger (with holster), An equally useless firearm that would end up being a ‘safe queen’, so I suppose that makes me as big a hypocrite as anyone telling you that you need some Roni baloney. And yes, I did read the article, Mike, and I do see the part where you say “in some circumstances”. But I think those circumstances are quite few and far between where this device ‘makes sense’.
(So folks, think this post will stand, or be deleted? Only time will tell if this author has integrity, as well as the experience to dispense the good advice he generally does provide).
Mike, I see your point. This stock is not for everybody. I’ve never owned one, and don’t have one on my radar screen, but for some folks they work well. We don’t delete comments that may not agree with what I said. I’m the first to claim I don’t know everything about shooting, so I’m always up for new opinions. I appreciate your writing us!
what if a pistol caliber carbine is not legal in your state?It has to be of a fixed configuration! :>/ but that dosnt mean i dont want another AR? LOL
Michael, check with your local law enforcement of course, but I don’t see how this could be called a PCC…all you’ve done is add your (legal) pistol to a temporary stock. I’m not an expert, so ask someone who is. Thanks for writing!
/i will look into it but im pretty sure since its got a folding stock as well as pistol caliber that it would be illegal…..we are talking about New Jersey after all…..but i will look it up and stop back and let you know?
Michael, yeah, let us know. Thanks!
Another enjoyable and informative article, Mike. Thanks.
Rick, just trying to help. Glad you liked it-thanks for writing!
I love them. I have had one for years and will get another one (newer version) soon. They are very fun and practical. We even use them in some of our training classes.
McBride, that’s great that you can use the stock in your training classes. I appreciate your writing us!
Longer Glock barrels are available and not real expensive. The longer barrels would make this idea even more practical for me.
Bert, good point. Added velocity is always a plus. Thanks for writing!
You have to be careful on barrel length. I believe the new full size roni you can run an extended barrel, and maybe even a suppressor now, but the micro roni doesn’t allow for use of a longer barrel
Found out from the manufacturer that mine was too old. Has to be gen3 or newer to work
Bert, thanks for letting us know. It makes you wonder why they need to be gen 3 or newer…anyway, thanks for writing!
It does, you are welcome.
Alan, nice to know that-thanks!
How does this work for South paws? I’m a lefty and am curious if I would catch a hot case on the cheek. Always curious to the ejected debris/unburned powder for lefty.
I can see something like this being very useful for a bug out bag in case of SHTF scenario, competition shooting, and then convert back to everyday CCW under the shirt daily carry. It’s an easy way to upgrade to a carbine sized firearm without shelling out another $800 for just the firearm. You can add an optic and this stock for half the cost and you end up with both a carbine and pistol!
Greg, yeah, the benefits of this are many. I had no trouble with fired cases “branding” my cheek when i shot it, and I’m a lefty like you. We do have to watch that – I’ve had fired cases in my face before. No joy there… Appreciate your comments!
Do they make one for my Smith and Wesson sd40ve?
Johnnie, I looked on their website and only saw the S&W M&P series listed-it said not compatible with the SD guns. You may want to email them and ask…they may have something else for your gun not on the site. Thanks for writing.