In this Article:
I recently received two 9mm carbines for testing. One is made by Hi-Point and the other one by Ruger. I will do a two-part review using these two carbines — this style of firearms is really hot right now. So, let’s look first at the Hi-Point, then next time we’ll examine the Ruger. These are two guns at opposite ends of the manufacturing spectrum — let’s see how they do.
9mm Carbine — Why?
Before we get to the carbine before me, I think I might need to address a question that some of you might have — why a carbine in 9mm? I can think of a few reasons, and I’m a handgun guy for the most part. Please remember that we live in the country, and my uses may not be the same as yours — I can shoot anytime and anywhere on our property as I like. So, with that understanding, the uses that I might find for this gun would include pest control/varmint reduction around our house and barn, close-in coyote control, home defense and target/recreational shooting. I see this gun as a step up from a .22 rifle in terms of stopping power — if you shoot a rampaging raccoon with a .22, you might need to hit ‘im again but with a 9mm, usually one shot settles his hash. I’ve had experience with both. (Now, if you’re having to dispatch a particularly ornery, hissing possum, you might have to shoot more than once with even the 9mm. I remember one I had to shoot five times — their brain is about as big as a pea and is easy to miss, especially with him hissing and spitting as sick possums tend to do). At any rate, I would find uses for it.
The shooting universe is replete with many brands, models and versions of 9mm carbines, from AR-15-style guns to newly-designed, dedicated platforms. The Hi-Point is one such gun, being designed from the ground up as a carbine. You can get it in .380, 9mm, .40 S&W, .45 ACP and 10mm. I chose the 9mm, which I believe is the most popular.
The Hi-Point Mystique
If you mention Hi-Point to many gun-savvy people, you’ll get a half-smile and the reply “they’re ugly but they work” or words to that effect. Of course, what they don’t tell you is that they owned at least one Hi-Point at the beginning of their shooting career — they don’t admit that. My point with this opening statement is to show that the Mansfield, Ohio-based company sells a lot of guns to folks who otherwise claim they wouldn’t own one. Huh? Let me try to explain.
Hi-Point guns are, to put it politely, utilitarian in design and manufacture. Many shooters start out with a Hi-Point 9mm, .45 ACP or .380 and then, as their skills and bank book allow, progress to more expensive guns. I’ve seen Hi-Point pistols for sale at around $130. That’s pretty cheap. I admit I owned at least one of their 9mms along my journey to becoming a more prolific and accurate shooter. Hi-Point is one company that prides itself on great customer service, another reason that they sell a lot of guns. One of my friends had one as well, a C9 9mm. He was experimenting with handloads and blew the gun up. He sent the pieces-parts back to Hi-Point and they sent him a brand-new gun. No questions asked. Their customer service is excellent, at least.
Another factor that contributes to Hi-Point’s decent reputation among owners is that their guns tend to work. Most all the time. I don’t recall ever having a stoppage with my C9, and this was with me firing a mix of factory and handloads. The guns are reliable, for the most part.
The final thing that Hi-Point does that endears it to some shooters is that they sell basically one pistol and one carbine, albeit in several calibers, and all the pistols are built alike as are the carbines, all built alike (except for a few minor differences). So, if you learn to run one, you can run ’em all. The only thing that varies, according to my observations, is the size of the pistol and that not by much. The .380 is a bit smaller than the .40 or .45. But — it works the same way as they do.
I’ve already mentioned what is most probably the number one reason that the company sells so many guns — their price. As an example, the C9 9mm has a full-blown MSRP of $199. Most dealers sell below MSRP, some well below. How can they sell so low?
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Why Are They So Inexpensive?
Notice I didn’t say “cheap”… these guns are not cheap but they are inexpensive — there’s a difference. For one thing, metal that doesn’t have to stand up to high pressures like barrels and chambers do are made of an alloy called Zamak-3. This alloy has been called pot metal and white metal. It is basically an alloy of zinc, aluminum, magnesium and copper. It is cheaper to use this metal than alloyed steel in areas that do not experience high pressures or temperatures. Another cost-saving procedure that Hi-Point uses concerns the actions. Most pistols and carbines that shoot cartridges more powerful than the .380 will fire from a locked breech. This is usually based on a modified Browning design, with lugs or a shelf built into the barrel hood that lock into another part when the gun is fired. Two advantages of this system is that the gun can shoot more powerful cartridges, and the slide or receiver can be made smaller. The other way to build a pistol or carbine action is to use what is called a blow-back design. That is the system that is used for most rimfire guns and centerfire calibers of .380 and down. It is simply a beefy slide that doesn’t lock into anything but uses its mass to slow the slide down in recoil. The main advantage of this system is that is pretty inexpensive to produce and maintain, with the disadvantage of having a gun that is almost “top-heavy”, with a large, weighty slide. Hi-Point guns all use a blow-back action. This means that their pistol slides are heavy and bulky and carbines’ receivers and overall weight numbers tend to be heavier than other locked-breech examples. But…they ARE cheaper and tend to work very reliably.
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The 995 Carbine
As we look at this carbine, I will relate my experiences when I first opened the box in Duane’s shop. I pulled the gun out, and noticed that there was a forend pistol grip and a Crimson Trace red dot sight in the box, along with a sling and swivels and a 20-round magazine. You can get 18 different carbines in 9mm alone, not counting the 15 10mm/15 .40 S&W/20 .45 ACP/4 .380/2 Hunter Series/4 OD & FDE Series guns they make — that’s a total of 76 different models of carbines. That’s probably more than any other manufacturer makes (don’t know that for a fact, but that’s a bunch of guns). Any combination of red dot/laser/light/grip/finish that you want, you can most likely get (especially in 9mm and .45). Mine happened to come with the above-mentioned accessories, so that’s how I’ll picture it and shoot it.
Let’s look at some specs…
Caliber: | .380, 9mm, .40 S&W, .45 ACP, 10mm; 9mm +P as tested |
Overall Length: | 31 in. |
Barrel Length: | 16.5 in. (19 in. available); threaded 1/2x28 |
Weight: | 6.5 lbs. |
Sights: | Fully adjustable |
Capacity: | 10 round magazine; 20-round available |
Stock: | All-weather, skeletonized polymer with internal recoil buffer |
Safety: | Manual thumb |
Rails: | Weaver-style |
Warranty: | No-questions-asked lifetime |
Now that we’ve seen how Hi-Point can make guns that sell for less than $200, let’s look at the carbine. Here are some photos…

It is adjustable up or down a bit. The muzzle is threaded to accept a suppressor or muzzle brake, plus there is a rail directly below for a light or a laser.
Adding a pistol grip to the forend is easy if you order it that way from the factory — it went right on, no sweat, and folds out of the way if needed.

The trigger toe is very sharp — you must make sure to use the tip of your finger to press the trigger past its safety disengagement point, or it will pinch you. A touch with a piece of low-grit sandpaper would cure that.
Moving further to the rear of the gun, we come across the rear sight. It is adjustable for both windage and elevation, and works very well. This model came with both the forend pistol grip and a Crimson Trace red/green dot. I chose not to install the red dot because I wanted to see how it shot with just the iron sights that come on all of these carbines. The CT sight is proprietary, made for distribution with Hi-Point carbines. It offers a 4-MOA dot in both red or green. It runs off an inexpensive CR2032 battery. As you will see in a bit, the rear sight was close to point of aim, with the windage being off just a bit to the right. The “plain-jane” iron sights worked very well.

The pad is spring-loaded and moves with recoil. With the lesser calibers, it can skate through its life without having to work very hard but I would imagine that the pad on the 10mm carbine would get more of a workout. Notice the utilitarian machine screws that hold the piece together — that helps hold down costs.
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At The Range
I shot my sample gun with a couple of different target/practice loads, the Winchester white box and Fiocchi’s FMJ. Both used 115-grain FMJ bullets.
It is hard to find good 9mm ammo right now, so I figured I was lucky to have what I had. At any rate, here are a couple of targets…
Above, the Winchester 115-grain target, with the Fiocchi 115-grain below.
Notice both loads shot pretty well to point of aim, but were off a bit to the right. This would be an easy fix. The distance was 25 yards under sunny conditions at my back-yard range. The gun is more than accurate enough.
Shooting Impressions
I was favorably impressed when I shot this gun. I did, however, get my finger pinched a few times by the articulating trigger safety. That is not a big deal — it’s easily fixed. I was impressed with the way the gun settled into firing position for every shot. The sights were easy to see — I used a 6-o’clock hold, which put the rounds just about where they should be in terms of elevation. I really don’t think that I would have shot any better with the Crimson Trace red/green dot installed — it might offer a slightly quicker sight acquisition — but in terms of accuracy, it’s hard to beat the old-fashioned peep-and-post sight. That configuration has been around for many decades and it works, as your eye automatically centers the front post in the rear ring. This is one area where shooters will have differing ideas — what works for one shooter may not work for another. You could conceivably put a scope on the carbine — the rail would allow that — but if you did that, you cut down on the “handy factor” that this carbine offers. For a $400 carbine, it shoots well above its price point.
So — do you rush out and buy one of these Hi-Point carbines? Yes and no. If you are working within a fairly tight budget, this is one to consider. I had thought about getting one of these a few years ago to keep handy in case I needed to dispatch a nocturnal 4-legged intruder…it would excel in that role. Now, I said yes and no above — the “no” part has to do with the fact that you can’t find them for sale during the current health crisis. (I was surprised to walk into friend Duane’s shop today and see all the empty spaces in his handgun cases and rifle racks — I guess the gun-buying craze has finally hit Cornfield County). If you can find one of these, consider picking it up and adding it to your collection. I do think you could do worse, especially given the fact that these guns tend to sell for less than MSRP. That is, once you can find them for sale again. If you’ve had experience with one of these carbines, stick a comment below for us to read. As always, get out and shoot and be safe!
I have a 995 with a 19″ barrel ( I’m in Canada ) It looks dog rough, that’s part of it’s charm, but I love it, I replaced the trigger spring which made a world of difference, it was a very easy job. The light trigger shrunk the groups by 50%, .. Why Hi Point don’t sell them with decent triggers is a mystery to me, if I can fix the trigger so can Hi-Point.
I don’t think I will ever buy another 995, think mine will last forever.
Mick, greetings from the lower 48. I think you’re right, if a single spring swap can make that big of difference, why they don’t do that from the beginning is a mystery – but I’d bet it has to do with lawyers. A harder, heavier trigger is more difficult to unintentionally fire (or so they think). Glad yours is shooting better. I appreciate hearing from our friends to the north – thanks for writing!
I have a Hi-Point C9 and .40 S&W pistols. I saw a YouTube video that showed how to replace the spring and called Hi-Point to see if they had one, but they didn’t. The video said to try different springs, even a spring from a ballpoint pen! Uh, I’ll skip the pen spring. The video did say that if you used a spring with too little resistance you could end up with a full-automatic pistol, which would cause some dirty looks at some ranges!
Yes, I would buy a Hi-Point Carbine based on my experience with their pistols. A no-holds-barred Lifetime Warranty on the gun, new or used, says they must be of good quality. If they were cheaply made they’d go broke repairing them.
Lawrence, you’re right about the warranty situation…they have really good customer service, it seems. I’m glad you like your pistols…I should be getting a C9 to test soon and I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for writing!
My brother owns one and it was only AFTER I had talked A LOT of smack about Hi Point pistols (featured prominently on TV shows like The First 48 and found in significant numbers at police auctions) that he let me run his carbine. I found it to be a ridiculously accurate and tremendously fun little rifle that can take a beating and keep running. He got his used for right around $150, but that was a decade ago. Nowadays they’re tough to find new or used, but when you do they’re still usually pretty inexpensive.
Timothy, I was in your camp about the pistols until I shot, then owned, one. They are ugly and heavy but they work and the company has excellent customer service. You’re right – they’re hard to find. Thanks for writing!
I’ve only sighted this in a gun store, but I was very impressed. I’m used to M16s, shotguns, and Winchesters. This was fairly decent on the first try, and then extremely fast after sighting in with the ghost ring. Confidence was high for defensive use or other rapid deployment.
Phillip, yeah u are right. It is quick to sight and fast on the target. Thanks for writing!
I bought my 995 about a year ago at a pawn shop they had lost the bag and dropped the price to$150
.it had no magazine, no spring for the firing pin,no rear sight and the charging nob was on backwards so the bolt couldn’t lock open I called the manufacturer and they sent everything I needed no charge
It shoots straight and works Everytime I pull the trigger
Having worked on it and fixed it makes it feel more like my gun than the other guns I own odd as that might sound
David, no, I get it – if we have something that we’ve had to “get working” by putting time & parts into it, it does tend to have greater pride of ownership. For some folks, that’s a car they restored, or a piano, or a sewing machine…for us, it’s a gun. Glad you could get it going! Thanks for writing.
David, I’ll buy any HiPoint regardless of condition, Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee insures you’ll have a like new firearm before it’s all said and done!
I know what you mean.
Owned on of these carbines for several years, never a misfire or missfeed. Goes bang every time. Great review Mike.
Bert, thanks for the kind words – they mean a lot coming from you. I’m glad you’ve had such good luck with your Hi-Point. Thanks for writing!
I have the .40 version- not pretty but shoots just fine.
Mike, as the saying goes pretty is as pretty does, and these guns tend to do what’s needed at the time. I appreciate your comment.
Hey Mike, When in a pinch, I shoot 40SW out my 1095 Carbine… Works just fine!
John, glad that works but be careful – probably what’s happening is the extractor is holding the .40 case against the breech face since the case is too short for proper headspace. Keep an eye on the extractor for extra wear. I’ve heard of this being done in pistols, too – can’t really recommend it, but if it’s working for you, great. Just be careful. Another thought – if you get into reloading, you could make midrange 10mm loads that shoot like .40s. Thanks for writing!
I am also a ‘prolific’ collector, I own the carbine in 9mm and 40. Never a failure of any type, better than pistol accuracy. With a decent reddot, it’s my house rifle in easy reach. My ‘torture test story-
Several years ago was at the range with 3 buddies. I had the 9mm, was plinking. I had a full 50 cal ammo can of reloads (LRN w/Clays, dirty stuff) that I wanted gone, so with my friends, as fast as we could empty and reload mags we passed it around and shot it.. We emptied the can, metal was way too hot to touch. Never a FTF, FTE. point of impact never changed. I’d say that these weapons work.
Bob, that sounds like something a manufacturer would do to torture-test their guns – interesting story! These things are reliable, to be sure. Thanks for telling us of your experiences with the 995.
I have one of these and love it. Never had an issue. Always ejected and loaded the next round.
Mike, glad you like it. These are useful guns, for sure. Thanks for your comment.
I’ve had my 995 for a few months. It is one of the most accurate & durable weapons I’ve ever fired. It is a bit clunky, but i wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m seriously considering getting the 45 carbine
Eric, read Tom’s post below – he really likes his .45. These guns do tend to function properly, a huge plus. Thanks for writing.
Eric, the 995 with +P ammo is pushing 357MAG statistics! The 4595 carbine with Redball 20 rnd mags gives you the firepower of a civilian TommyGun for a fraction of the cost!
Great little carbine fun to shoot. Mine is a 45 acp I wouldn’t take it to shooting match but for home defense and general plinking it’s very functional. Trigger pull is pretty heavy and travel is long. The barrel looked rough and after being cleaned multiple times and fired 2 to 3 hundred rounds it’s looking better. If you are looking for a gun that’s budget priced and fun to shoot go have some fun.
Tom, glad you like your .45. I wondered about getting one in that caliber, since I reload a lot of it. Thanks for your comment!
I’ve wanted one off and on for a number of years along with a C9 – just because
As you noted, you can’t readily find them these days-maybe when things clam down
(IF they calm down)
Bobo, yeah, your guess is as good as mine on the current situation. Friend Duane is having trouble keeping his gun store shelves and racks filled. Thanks for writing!
Mike, The 995 carbine is 10 round and longer than the C9 8 round mag. The 10 round 995 mag will work in the C9 pistol but the pistol mag is too short for the 995 carbine. Trust me, I own both these weapons.
John, thanks. You’re right – I stand corrected. I didn’t catch that when I read through the piece. Appreciate your info!
I believe the magazines are interchangeable between the C9 and the 9mm Carbine
George, yes, they are. They usually send a pistol 9mm mag with the carbine. That’s the beauty of having the same-branded pistol and carbine, in the same caliber. Thanks for writing!
Self-reply – see John’s comment above. I was wrong about the mags – didn’t catch it in my edit phase. Sorry!
Bobo, one can only hope that the supply loosens up. I think maybe first-time shooters on a budget are snapping these up for home defense. Keep checking – surely soon you’ll find one. Thanks for writing!
Mike, HiPoint has been shut down for COVID since earlier this year. They have a lot of demand to catch up with!
John, yep, they sure will. Most online sellers show no HP carbines in stock. I consider myself fortunate that I can get T&E guns from them. I hopefully have a couple of pistols coming. Thanks for writing!
Bobo, Word is getting out that these weapons are practically military grade… I saw videos of 995 shooting through gel-torso at 200 yards!
I bought mine on a whim at a gun show. Took it the range and was impressed. It shot everything I loaded in it without fail. I think the damn thing would shoot a hot dog if I could a primer and get it chambered. It’s a great low cost, reliable carbine you can throw in the back of the truck and not care if it slides everywhere
Ken, very encouraging that yours eats everything it’s fed. Just one question…how would you clean hot dog out of the barrel grooves? Ha! Thanks for writing! (Maybe a Vienna sausage might fit…)
A family of them. The C9 was my first pistol years ag0. Then I purchased the 9mm carbine, it was a great gun. My wife and youngest son shot it, they like it so much they ended up getting them. My brother in law also got one, but the rear sight sort of fell apart, he will contact the manf and we will see how their customer service is. Overall a great series of guns.
Owen, sounds like you have it figured out. I’ve heard that their CS is really good – can you report back here after your experience? Thanks for writing!
Hi=point customer service.
Mike, you probably won’t have to deal with them ever as the 995 is a tank that usually doesn’t have issues. When they do, the company comes through. I am the third or possibly fourth owner of my 995ts and parts got lost along the way. Front and rear sights, sling, breakdown tool, manual and original trigger lock were all MIA when I got it 6 months ago.
4 minutes and 11 seconds. Thats how long my call to the company was. I looked at the time after I hung up, because I couldn’t believe it. They sent all of the parts at their expense, and I had them literally 4 days after the call.
I’m now planning on buying one for each of the family. That 4 minute call sold 1500 in carbines as soon as it calms down and I can find them.
Dave, yeah, their CS is great – they know how to get things done. Appreciate your comment!
I have a 1095TS and 3895TS that I managed to get during this pandemic although the 1095 was much harder to obtain. Both work flawlessly and zeroed in pretty easily the 10mm is zeroed at 50yards now want to see if I can get 200 yards through the irons
Tom, you should be able to get to 200 yards with the sights that are on the gun – the 10mm would be great at that range, I’d think, especially with lighter bullets. Keep us posted on what happens when you try, OK? Thanks for writing.
Great to hear will do
Back in 2004, Online, I ordered 2 HiPoint 9mm C9’s and a 9mm 995 carbine for a total right at $300! They have functioned Flawlessly for 16 years now. ‘TOMMY GUN’ USES BLOW BACK ACTION… Reliability is good as it gets for any semi-auto.
John, sounds like you got a heck of a buy. Glad they worked out for you. Thanks for writing.
Mike, How did the Ruger do? I sold my 10-22 because it barely hit the paper at 50 yards, No groups at all…
John, it did just fine. Add a decent optic to it and it should ring steel at 100 yards easily. Sorry to hear about your 10/22 – that’s the first time I’d heard that about one of those. Did you consider sending it back? Ruger’s customer service is second to none, believe me. Sorry to hear that. Anyway, thanks for writing
What is the best barrel length for a AR 9mm pistol
Darrell, since the 9mm is a pistol cartridge and was designed to work in barrels of 5 inches or so and under, you really won;’t get much more velocity out of it if you try to go with a long barrel. Most AR barrels for the 9 are usually around 10 inches or shorter, some down to 6.5 or so. I would think that somewhere between 5-9 inches might be the best but I haven’t experimented to see actual velocities with varied barrel lengths. Perhaps another reader who has had experience with different AR barrel lengths in 9mm will come aboard and give more info on it. I am assuming that by “best barrel length” you are talking about the best velocity – if not, it’s really just personal preference Short and handy would be my pick, them. Thanks for writing!
Have had a 995 for several years now. Have had NO misfired or misfeeds. Every type and brand of ammo I’ve used has gone bang. I have up most confidence in this gun. I put a red dot sight on it and shoots to point of aim. Love this carbine.! Highly recommend buying one.
Duane, sounds like you have a winner. I’m glad it works so well for you…thanks for writing!
got the 9 and 45 pistols, never a problem shooting any ammo i could get, so i bought the9 and 45 carbines as mates so i can carry both and use the same ammo. i put inexpensive scopes on both carbines that have three different sight pictures, using the lighted circle i can empty the mag in the bulls eye with every round. I shoot both at about a hundred feet, super accurate guns. i just got the 1mm carbine and that is a firearm, my new favorite now, powerful and accurate, equipped it the same as the other two, now make a 10mm pistol
Timothy, good idea using the same ammo for both. Looks like you’ve got them set up well. Thanks for writing!
I have three of the carbines. A 995B, 995TS, 4595TSFG. The 995B was used when I bought it and was missing the sights. I contacted Hi-Point and a week later, had new sights and the screws to install them. Everybody likes to fire the 995B more than the TS. With that said, every time I go to the range, everybody wants me to bring the 4595. They love it. We have put everything in it from FMJ to JHP and some hot loads. It keeps right on firing. Had one buddy who threw it in the dirt and covered it, pulled it out, shook it, and blew on the sights, then fired. They enjoyed it. A lot of my friends are former military and LE.. and they all agreed that the Hi-Point is like a Timex. “Take a licken and keeps on ticken.” I will never get rid of my Hi-Points. I can relie on them…..
Popsyckle, you said it. They are truly reliable guns. Sounds like you’re having too much fun with yours, if there is such a thing. And, I haven’t heard John Cameron Swayzee’s quote for years – I remember those Timex commercials. Thanks for writing, and for jogging my memory!
I have the new model 995, and years ago I owned the older model 995 without the threaded muzzle. Both have been ultra reliable, and accurate. It bounces on my atv on a regular basis, and it’s short overall length makes it perfect for carrying while in the woods doing firewood. It makes a great little utilitarian carbine. Seriously thinking about getting the 10mm model next.
Tom, if you do get the 10mm version, let us know how it works for you. They are, for sure, rugged guns. Thanks for writing!
I own the 10mm. It is a workhorse. Very reliable. I have shot 2 boars and a whitetail doe with it. All with 1 shot each. I also have a 9mm pistol.
Regis, that’s great. A couple of questions… first, what bullet or load did you use for the deer and pigs, and what optic/sight do you have on the gun? Just curious. Thanks for writing!
I love my 995TS! With commercial 9mm ammo it is equivelant to the 357 SIG fired from a 4-inch barrel…what’s not to like about that?
I mounted a custom, long Picatinny top rail made of aluminum, a Vortex red/green dot sight with 3x magnifier and a right hand operating handle. All works great!
I had a .45 Auto version but it was stolen. I had never fired it and I was angry and heartbroken at the same time.
Henry, too bad about the 45 version – any leads? You’ve fitted yours out well, it seems. Glad it works for you. Thanks for writing!
Hey Mike! It was a relative and an accomplice I’m not sure about. Because of that I haven’t pressed the issue with local law enforcement but did report it of course. An interesting note to all of this, I had my FFL years ago and sent in all the records when I gave it up (approx 1996). Two of the rifles were in my record book and I needed the serial numbers but the ATF refused to give me the information and also to the detective investigating the case! It seems once those records are given up nobody can access them! How odd is that?? Those rifles, Savage 24V in .357 Magnum/20 gauge (like new condition) and a Savage Super Sporter .30-30, bolt action (stock refinished and action beautifully reblued) were two of my favorites! Including the Hi-Point there were 10 rifles/shotguns stolen along with ammo and a Ruger magazine in .22 magnum which made no sense since that gun was in the safe.
The ATF lady there did look for the serial numbers but stated they weren’t in the records (that’s a damn lie).
Henry, ah, the ATF with all its wisdom, eh? Too bad about that. At least you reported them. Too bad, for sure. Thanks for writing again.
Saw a 995 on the used gun rack at my local FFL, and at $100, how could I not take it home. There was no mag with it, and the rail forward of the rear sight was chewed up, so after reading up on the weapon, I found and called Hi Point. Shortest, most pleasant phone call with a manufacturer I ever had! Within the week, a new top cover rail and two mags arrived, and all the lady had asked for was the weapon’s serial number. That action now resides in the custom aftermarket bullpup stock and is more fun to shoot than should be allowed! I’ve since purchased a new 4595 and turned it into a poor man’s Thompson. An aftermarket magwell adapter permits the use of standard 1911 mags, including a 50 rd drum. The “plastic fantastic” as I call it, has comparable firepower to a significantly more expensive Thompson. Brass, steel, aluminum, my Hi Points eat whatever I feed it without complaint. I started shooting competitively at age 15 with the Jr. NRA, shot on various command rifle and pistol teams during a 20 year Navy career; and today, some 36 years after retiring from the Navy, still go to the range a couple of days a week, generally taking a couple of different weapons. Hi Points are inexpensive, design was well thought out, production is cost effective, and the savings are evident in the low price points. IF you can find one, whether you’re a new or long-time shooter, get a Hi Point!
Dave, wow, what a story! Sounds like you have it figured out. I keep saying that Hi-Point guns are decent buys…maybe not the best-looking out there but they fire most every time you pull the trigger. Thanks for your comments!
Wow, great deal!
If you’re looking for a solid, stable Picatinny rail (different lengths) check out Long Shot Manufacturing products ( Not cheap, but the quality is unsurpassed as far as I’m concerned. Also, if you care to, pick up an M16/AR15 removable carry handle with sights. It looks very cool mounted on Hi-Point rifles and I believe LongShot makes a higher front sight assembly. I haven’t tried that configuration yet since the 4595 had the carry handle installed when it was stolen.
I was really looking forward to getting out and shooting it and had purchased it as a companion to my Springfield 1911A1 .45 auto.
If there’s a way to post pics here I can find a pic of mine with the carry handle installed as well as with a Millet red dot sight (also stolen off the bench)
I am a very amateur shooter at best.. I own 3 Hi-Point firearms – .380 and .45 pistols, as well as the 4595 carbine in camo. Not only are they affordable, but very accurate, reliable, and the recoil is VERY manageable. I don’t find these guns ugly at all – just a little heavy. That is what makes the recoil so easy. Great guns and great company service, too.
Ron, glad they work for you. Nothing wrong with Hi=Point guns at all – I owned one for a long time. Thanks for writing!
Greetings from the great Pacific Northwest. I have every caliber Hi-Point handgun from .380 to .45. Multiple ones to be ambiguous and precise. Except the 10mm. I also have the 4595 and the 995 Carbines. They never fail and eat everything. My pride and joy is a .45 “pre” JHP that is all metal with a European mag release. Heavy as all get out and fun to remember how to hit the mag release on the bottom of the grip.
Though I have many more expensive job specific weapons my Hi-Points are my go to utility guns.
I really enjoyed your article and cannot wait for the YEET CANNON (YC9 G2) to get out. They say it will be available when it’s done.
Marty, sounds like you could work for Hi-Point! I’m glad they all work so well for you. The one I owned sure was reliable, As for the YEET Cannon, I’ve seen the G1 but not the G2 yet. Interesting slide markings to be sure. Appreciate your comments!
I have the 995 right now. I have “built many HI POINTS for folks. THEY LOVE THEM! i shorten them up a bit, cut a little weight, smooth up the insides and the trigger..feed ramp… It’s like putting a chubby girl in a short tight dress.. You don’t mind looking a little more! And in the current Political situation… a lot of shots are going to be taken at ranges less than 75 yards.. PERFECT!
Douglas, those guns sound interesting – they would be fun to shoot, to be sure. Glad you’ve figured it out- thanks for writing, and thanks for the wit!
Thanks for the review. I have heard that the carbines use the firing pin for the ejector. If true, what is the expected durability and life of the firing pin? Also, takedown is supposed to be involved and difficult.. Was that your experience?
Thomas, I honestly didn’t take it down to clean it. I was in a bit of a hurry with it so I just left it together, since I barely shot it. Anyone else out there have an issue with takedown? I appreciate your comments.
Thank you. I’d like a Ruger, but I can’t really even afford a Hi-Point.
Yeah, the Rugers are nice. Hope you can get something soon – even if you could swing it, you might not find one to buy right now. Thanks for writing again.
I have both the .40 and 9mm. Got the 40 first (stock with folding forward hand grip) and fell in love with it then about a year later convinced myself to get the 9mm (first and only caliber in my collection) as a cheaper alt for ammo and got 2x redball mags. I’ve yet to have a hiccup with either. I usually feed them with wolf/tul ammo usually 124gr full conical nose and I’ve ran PMC bronze JHP, Fiocchi dynamic JHP no problems either. The only down, mag round selection, it sucks. 9mm up to 20rds banana stick not meant for any prone position or only 10rds. wish someone can come out with a 50 or 100 rds drum for this sucker then we’ll be rocking. It’s very low recoil about the same as my ar pistol and rifle. and is accurate of about 50yds after you assemble out of the box. I like the forward hand grip as its a storage comp for the only tool you need to take apart the rifle. The weaver sucks too but a hacksaw will help mount any picatinny accessory. just make sure it’s the spot you want it at though. So do your measuring before modifying.
When I got camping or hunting one of these always accompanies me.
Donald, wow, you sure know your carbines! Sounds like you have them figured out well. As for the drum mag, I know there’s one for the .45 ACP version but haven’t seen them in 9 or 40. I appreciate your experience with these guns. Thanks for writing!
I just read your review of this weapon Mike. Thank you for that. I’m a newbie, a 59 year old newbie that just got his first S&W 6906 9mm from a friend at Christmas. It fires great and is reliable as all get out.. I’m following an auction for one of these with a TruGlo scope, and an LED flashlight attached. Not sure of condition, but the pics look good. I’m in Texas, not so much the country, but outside ranges are available (I prefer). Is this something that you would recommend if the bid is reasonable. I can’t preview the item unfortunately. But after reading you’re review, I’m almost tempted to put a bid in. Thanks again.
Dvid, yeah, I’d go for it. I really enjoyed shooting the one I reviewed – it was “decked out” like the one you’re looking at. The light and optic help extend your shooting time (light to dark) and range. Let us know what happens, OK? Thanks for writing!
I have the 9mm carbine and found the gun to be extremely accurate and fun to shoot. After shooting with the iron sights, I added a red dot and found I like to quick target acquisition plus the field of view. This carbine is a keeper.
Paul, I agree. There aren’t too many 9mm carbines out there with this gun’s feature set for the same price – it is a keeper, as you said. I enjoyed shooting it, for sure, and the red dot makes sense. Thanks for writing!
I bought the 9mm carbine with the digital camo. It’s a great little gun. The warranty sold me. All videos you would of people making fun of them and then coming away impressed was fun to see. It’s truly fun to shoot.
I’ve shot for over 60 years and own mostly vintage guns. These will be around for a long time.
Mark, glad you like your Hi-Point. I was really impressed – if you can get past the name, you’re going to be pleasantly surprised. Thanks for writing!
I bought a 995 recently and was pretty impressed it cycles and shoots quite smooth and I did 1 to 1 1/2inch groups at 40 yards straight out of the box. Very nice little shooter
Craig, glad you like it. I was truly impressed with the one I shot. Hope you have many years of enjoyment with it – thanks for writing!
I have a hi point 40 s&w. Recently it jams always but they are fixing it FREE. I’m buying 9mm Carbine (wanted the 10 no options). In my cart, any advice on the funky 20 round clips?