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MantisX Review

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MantisX helps you shoot better. This exceptional training system shows you how to hit more targets. So, whether you’re a newbie or a pro you should consider MantisX.

  • Accurate: It features smart sensors with real-time shot detection.
  • Compact: Lightweight and small. It won’t affect your shooting at all.
  • Convenient: It’s an instructor in your pocket. It helps you train yourself at home if you don’t have the time to visit the range. It also utilizes your smartphone.
  • Cost-effective: You only need to buy it once, and its functions are high quality
  • Highly efficient: MantisX has proven its effectiveness to improve one’s shooting. You can see many reviews online that this device has helped them a lot. Also, even instructors use it.
  • Versatile: You can use it on a variety of firearms and has accessories available if want to train using a holster.
  • Well-designed: It has a user-friendly design with free updates available on the application. It’s also straightforward to install.
  • False shot detection: It has very sensitive sensors. So, small movements like racking the gun before taking a shot can give you low shot scores.
  • Holster drills: For such drills, you need a Mag adapter since mounting in on the rail doesn’t fit in the holster.

MantisX Specifications

Length2 inches
Width1.25 inches
Height1 inch
Weight1.028 ounces/ 14 grams
Battery Life9 to 10 hours continuous use / 20 hours standard
Charging Time2 hours to charge fully

Imagine you’re in a situation where you need to stop a threat. Now, the threat’s coming closer but, luckily, you have a gun. However, you haven’t practiced using it for a while. Despite that, you pull it out to defend yourself. Let’s say it’s a gun with a few shots left. So, you aim it and pull the trigger — bang! — it’s a miss. You try it a few more times — and still more misses. Now, the threat’s coming closer, one last time — bang! — a lucky shot. Congratulations, you knocked the threat out.

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By now, you begin to think: if only you practiced using the gun, then the first few shots wouldn’t be a waste. If only you learned how to shoot efficiently, then you would’ve stopped it at the first few shots. Do you get my point? In short, not hitting the target may be the difference to stop a threat in a particular scenario.

Shooting is not a skill you can get instantly overnight. It’s a nonperishable skill. It takes practice and, by that, I mean lots of practice. Besides, owning a gun and using it is never enough. You need to also know how to use it well.

Shooting Proficiency

Accuracy is what most shooters strive for when using guns as it is indeed essential to hit the target. In addition, you can’t achieve accurate shooting solely on the gun you use. Instead, many factors can also cause inaccurate shots, such as stance, barrel length, grip, and others. Overall, these factors lead to a suggestion to enhance your shooting skills.

But why do most shooters aim for accuracy? Of course, it’s essential to hit the target. However, simply hitting is not enough. There’s a big chance you might miss it, especially if you’re a beginner. You can say that you’re an accurate shooter once you’re able to hit the target intentionally and consistently many times.

My advice is to dry fire, head to the range, and practice to improve accuracy. Better yet, always practice using MantisX.

I could say that I’m a good shooter. But like everyone else, I want to be better. So, I wish to improve my shooting skills with this gear. Also, I like to switch the use of my guns. Since not all firearms are made alike, each requires different methods of handling to ensure proper shooting. Plus, I want to shoot the firearms I own well. Luckily, MantisX is available to help improve our shooting proficiency.

About the MantisX Company

The company claims that it’s composed of experienced gun shooters and engineers. In addition, they also claim to use objective data to analyze things not visible to the human eye. Using the information they obtained, they created MantisX. Furthermore, the company trains using MantisX. So do the United States military, special forces, and law enforcement.

To summarize, MantisX invests in its data and results to create a product that can help shooters improve their shooting skills.

About the MantisX Device

MantisX is a type of gadget that helps you shoot better. This exceptional gear aids in training shooters in all levels of experience. So, whether you’re a newbie or a pro — MantisX has got you covered. One great thing about this gear is that it can mount to any accessory rail on a firearm. It’s typically a small device that tells you specifically what you’re doing right or wrong when shooting. Additionally, it works in conjunction with a mobile app on your smartphone. It also utilizes a Bluetooth connection that uses sensor data to send it to your mobile device.

Another feature of this device is its real-time feedback on your shooting technique. It has multiple modes of feedback and works well with airsoft and even CO2. Also, it’s battery-powered and USB rechargeable. Lastly, it can track shooting for both live and dry fire practice.

First, let’s talk about MantisX, the company, the device, how to set it up, and its features.

MantisX Models

Table sourced from MantisX.

MantisX ModelX2X3X10 EliteX7
Main PurposeFor dry fire use onlyDry fire and live fire functionsCombination of all MantisX model functionsShotgun-exclusive, ideal for skeet and trap shooters
Platform Support
Dry Fire✅✅✅✅
Live Fire−✅✅✅
Handgun Analysis✅✅✅−
Rifle Analysis✅✅✅−
Shotgun Analysis−−✅✅
Archery Analysis−−✅−
Application Features
Training Modes & Drills✅✅✅✅
Coaching Tips✅✅✅✅
Historical Tracking✅✅✅✅
Groups, Sharing & Messaging✅✅✅✅
Analysis Features
Muzzle Trace✅✅✅✅
Trigger Control Analysis✅✅✅−
Shot Timer✅✅✅✅
Smoothness Analytics−−✅✅
Consistency Comparisons−−✅✅
Recoil Analysis−−✅−
Holster Draw Analysis−−✅−
Available as a free update to the existing app
Multitarget Analysis−−✅✅
Shooting on the Move−−✅−
Rapid Fire−−✅−
Moving Targets (Shotgun)−−✅✅
Free Software Updates✅✅✅✅
Free Phone / Email Support✅✅✅✅
Sensor Features
AttachmentLever quick disconnectLever quick disconnectLever quick disconnectLever quick disconnect
Weight (grams)14141414
Battery Life (hours)20202020
BR7 Adapter−−✅✅
Universal MagRail−−✅−

How MantisX Works

MantisX contains a smart sensor that tracks your gun’s movements. It also grades you based on your performance. The app analyzes everything you do, starting from pre-shot to how you manage recoil. Additionally, it detects the direction of the barrel movement during the trigger pull.

After each shot, MantisX scores it depending on how much you moved from your position while pulling the trigger. The scores range from 0 to 100. It also evaluates the group of your shots and gives you suggestions on how to improve your shooting. You can view the coaching tips to help correct your mistakes and get a better score.


The MantisX has internal smart sensors. It works by detecting muzzle movement before, during & after each shot it registers. In addition, it assigns scores to each shot you make and tells you what it thinks is the cause of movement. However, I find the sensors very sensitive. Certain movements like magazine insertion and slide racking can result in false shot detections.

How to Set Up the MantisX

The MantisX is small and light, adding it to your firearm won’t affect the weight of your gun or your shooting. What’s great about this device is that it’s straightforward to install and operate. Additionally, it comes with a small instruction card. So, setting up the MantisX is a breeze.

Here’s how to set up the MantisX:

  1. Mount the MantisX gear on your firearms on the accessory rail. You can adjust and tighten its placement with a screwdriver. If you’re using a rifle, you can mount it to its side rail.
  2. Next is installation time. You download the MantisX application and install it on your phone.
  3. Open the application. Once the app is running, there will be instructions on linking the MantisX with your phone. Using Bluetooth, connect the device to your phone. Alternatively, you can force enable the phone’s Bluetooth if you have it off. Allow the permission settings in your smartphone, and it’s all set automatically.
  4. Afterward, do some test shots to see if your phone and your device are working accordingly.
  5. Choose your preferred settings. Then, practice and evaluate the data to further improve your shooting.

Now, if your firearm has no accessory rail, don’t worry. MantisX has many accessories available. For instance, they have MagRail adapters that can replace the magazine base plate on most firearms magazines. It works well and doesn’t need any modification on the firearm.

MantisX Options

Once you’ve set up the MantisX, you’ll see a few menu options. Below are some of them:

  • Train: Tapping on this leads you to view the drills available in the app. You can choose from different options, depending on the shooting mode you want to practice.
  • Stats: Shows the recordings of your previous performance. You can reset this part after a series of shots. The app stores the data history of your previous strings and makes a new record for the next string.
  • Learn: This opens the relevant page for correcting your shooting mistakes. Each has a photo with a description to let you know what you’re doing wrong. Moreover, it shows suggestions and tips on how to correct them.
  • Settings: Before going to “Train” mode, you should first fix the settings on your smartphone. It has options of right- or left-handed shooter, live or dry fire, and if the device is mounted facing frontward or rearward.
MantisX Review: MantisX Options
Photo source: MantisX

MantisX Modes

Dry Fire

The first test is dry fire. So you need to set it up first to dry fire mode using your smartphone. During dry-fire, MantisX picks up shots accurately. It also scores each shot you make. However, since it scores you based on your gun movements, there might be cases of false trigger pull reading whenever you rack the slide.

Live Fire

The live-fire option is exceptional. The app picks up every shot and tells you what you’re doing wrong. In addition, the app also detects mistake patterns. After it detects the mistakes, you can know the cause, and correct them accordingly.


MantisX Review: Drills Menu
Photo source: MantisX

Open Training

The mode where you do your shooting practice. The top right part shows your score from 0 to 100.

In addition, tapping on the icon on the top-right edge of the screen allows you to share your results on social media or via message.

MantisX Review: Share results
Photo source: MantisX

Open training mode is where the MantisX shows each hit and scores them. Simultaneously, on the bottom, it shows your common mistake.

Now, if you’re seeing this mistake many times, it’s time to correct it. Tap on the text on the bottom, and it’ll show you a photo with a description. You can also swipe to the right to show all your mistakes during the series of shots. Additionally, clicking on the correction will lead you to the “Learn” page.

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Shot Timer

A mode where every time you hear a buzzer, you need to pull the trigger as quickly as you can. This drill is timed and shows your average score and average time after a series of shots.

Other features:

  • MantisX Benchmark
  • Timed Benchmark
  • Compressed Surprise Break
  • Primary Hand Only
  • Support Hand Only
  • Reload Drills
  • Hostage Taker Drills
  • Courses
  • MantisX Introduction
  • Basic Marksmanship
  • Advanced Marksmanship
  • Audio Feedback

Of all these modes available, the ones I commonly use are the Open Training, Primary Hand Only, Benchmark, Support Hand Only, and Shot Timer.

Data Display and Analysis

Direction & Magnitude

MantisX Review: Data display of average score
Photo source: MantisX

This is the usual display shown during a series of shots. It tracks the movement of your gun’s barrel during the trigger pull and shows the scores of each of your shots. All shots are grouped according to their movement pattern similarity.

Shot-by-Shot Analysis

MantisX Review: Shot by shot analysis
Photo source: MantisX

Shows other data in a graph using different colors:

  • Blue: Hold / sighting
  • Yellow: Trigger pull
  • Red: Shot breaking and recoil pattern

Detailed Trace

MantisX Review: Detailed trace
Photo source: MantisX

It tracks the score of each shot and analyzes the trends. It shows the results in a bar graph and line graph.

Shotgun Analysis

This feature focuses on three dimensions: individual shot trace, aggregate shot analysis, and shot scoring. Each of these dimensions contributes to the data you need to show your overall shooting performance. It also saves all your shooting sessions and records to view your shot history, comparison, and progress over time.

Hands-on Review

I purchased the MantisX Elite model, which I think is convenient because I own several firearms. Also, getting a model with complete features can help me improve my shooting in every gun that I use. My favorite type of gun to shoot is pistols, and my goal is to tighten my groups as much as possible. So, I mounted the MantisX10 on my Springfield XDS pistol and turned it on by pushing the button. Then, I downloaded the app and connected it via Bluetooth on my smartphone.

Next is an essential step, which I highly suggest you do before dry firing. I checked the magazine, making sure that it’s not loaded, pointed my gun in a safe direction and dry fired. After confirming that it’s unloaded and safe to use, it’s time to start training.

The MantisX device is light, tiny, and straightforward to use. I had no problems installing it — it was a piece of cake. Next, I set up my setting, making sure it was in pistol, right-handed, and dry fire mode. I chose open training and started making a few shots.

Testing the MantisX

One thing I noticed is that the MantisX analyzes all my movements. First, I had low scores, until I had a score of 84, and the app keeps saying that I was slapping the trigger. So, of course, I tried to correct that mistake. I tried to improve my shots and followed the suggestions. As a result, after a series of shots, it showed my overall score. Now, if I swipe left, it shows my score for each shot. The app also displays a chart for every shot.

I repeatedly practice dry firing until I get a good score. As a result, I finally achieved a score of 90 on my next shot — a good shot, according to the app. However, I observed that when you get a score of 90 and above, it won’t show what you did right or wrong. It won’t also show what you could do to improve your shot. It just says good shot on the bottom left corner of your smartphone.

Overall Thoughts

MantisX Review: Mantis X mounted on a handgun
Image source: Shop Texas Gun Experience

In my opinion, the MantisX is an excellent tool that I’ll use for my training. It shows real-time data. In addition, it shows complete information and does all the data extrapolation for you. Furthermore, it shows complete information of what you did wrong, and how to correct it. Whenever I don’t know the meaning of its feedback, I tap on the text. Afterward, it provides all the relevant instructions and descriptions. It also shows pictures. The app is beneficial for improving shooting proficiency. Plus, it’s accurate in sensing my gun movement.

I like the feature where it shows my historical data. I find this beneficial as it helps me know what I was doing wrong and how much I improved. All I need to do is to analyze my results and adjust accordingly to improve further. The MantisX is indeed like an instructor in my pocket.

MantisX Review: All sessions/ historical data
Photo source: MantisX

This device is also cost-effective, so you only need to buy it once. Additionally, the device makes it possible for you to train at home, which I find helpful especially if you have no time to visit the range.

Overall, I think I will achieve my goal of enhancing my accuracy and tightening my groups with this gear, using different firearms, in the future.


Pelican Case to Soft Foam

Old versions of the MantisX come with a Pelican case. However, new versions offer it in a foam case instead.

Rapid Firing

In addition, I find rapid-firing somewhat problematic. I think it’s because MantisX tracks the gun’s movements before, during, and after shooting a series of shots. So, whenever I fire again within that window, the score is always low. I found that I can maximize my score by holding my aim for a couple of seconds before pulling the trigger.

MagRail Magazine Floor Plate Adapter

As mentioned earlier, if you don’t have an accessory rail, you can use the MantisX MagRail adapter. You’ll also need this accessory if you want to train with holster draws. This MagRail bonds to the bottom of your magazine so that you can attach MantisX to your gun easily. Keep in mind that installing this requires a flat magazine floor plate that bonds with adhesive tape. MantisX includes the tape in the package. It’s removable, and you need to apply pressure for about 20 minutes before you can use it.

MantisX Review: MagRail
Photo source: MantisX

One downside — you’ll get stuck with one magazine. You can fix this by purchasing multiple MagRail adapters. However, it requires you to move the MantisX during reloads. So, this is not the best option. In addition, most holsters that can fit your firearm might not accommodate it once it has an accessory mounted on it.

Also, keep in mind that even though the MantisX is one brilliant device, it can’t replace the experience of having an experienced shooter train you.


In conclusion, the MantisX takes real-time feedback to help improve your shooting. It’s a splendid device that’s better than using a paper target as it tracks data performance automatically over time. In addition, the results are very helpful in determining the common errors and it displays data in multiple versions. 

The device conveniently works for dry fire and live fire, and you can use it on various firearms. Furthermore, the MantisX helps increase your ability completely outside of personal training from instructors. It allows you to see improvement and consistent problem areas, which can help improve your shooting skills. So, if you’re someone looking to improve your shooting proficiency, I highly suggest you get yourself a MantisX.

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1 comment
  1. I’ve been strongly considering the mantis x for some time but didn’t know anyone who had tried it. Excellent review and helped make my decision

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