Mossberg MMR

[Review] Mossberg MMR: Best Budget AR-15?

Mossberg. Great shotguns, right?

I own a decades-old Mossberg 5500, a lesser-expensive version of the 550 autoloader shotgun meant to be sold in box stores. I bought it long about 1986 or so and paid $199 for it, if memory serves. I got it a long-gone retail store called Service Merchandise. At any rate, I still have it and it goes “bang” every time it should. Why mention that? Well, a whole lot of shooters don’t know that Mossberg makes rifles — they even make a handgun. I reviewed the Mossberg MC1sc 9mm — that is one handy little pistol. Another rifle, among others that they make, that you may not know about is a variation of the Winchester 1892 lever-action carbine in .30-30. They sell a lot of those. So, what’s up with this AR? A lot, it seems.

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Shooting The MMR — A Good Experience

I normally save the target(s) for the end of my reviews, but let’s go there first this time. I really enjoyed shooting this carbine and I’m more of a handgun guy so that said something to me.

I carried the carbine to my back yard shooting bench before the rain came — not complaining, we need the rain — but didn’t want to get it or myself too wet. Anyway, I am down on .223/5.56 factory ammo at the moment, along with every other caliber I shoot. This is a product of the times, as we all know. Hopefully, it will get better before long. Anyway, I had a handload ready that had performed well in my Del-Ton carbine. It consists of a Sierra 55-grain SP bullet ahead of 26.0 grains of W844, a military pull-down powder I bought from an AR shop that, unfortunately, is no longer around. I got this 10-shot group at about 40 yards — only having open sights, I didn’t want to push the range. I am not the best shot on the block. At any rate, the load liked the gun and vice versa. It hit just a touch left with a center hold but it isn’t my gun so the sights stayed put. I do believe that if you scoped this beast (or at least put a red dot on it), you would have an M.O.A.-or-close shooter on your hands. Given some factory loads to choose from, this gun would really shine. The rifling would support heavier bullets, as well. The 6-pound-plus trigger pull didn’t aid my accuracy attempts. Add in a modified trigger and you would really be good to go. Even given that, this is one sweet shooter.

target shot with MMR carbine

Nuts & Bolts

The MMR uses a direct-impingement gas system. I had done a round-up of some of the best ARs out there and I talked a bit about gas systems — you can read that here. I do not claim to be an expert on such things but do know a bit about what makes these guns tick. You can see in the following photos some of the inherent features of this gun. I liked most everything about it except for the trigger — at 6-pounds-plus, it was a mite heavy for precision shooting. But, triggers are easily swapped out in these guns so that’s not a deal breaker.

Now, let’s look at some photos and talk a bit about the gun.

Mossberg MMR right side
The MMR with butt stock collapsed.

Note, no forward assist or dust cover. The bolt is grooved and is ready for a forward assist but many ARs are coming out today without these items, as many manufacturers choose not to include them on their new builds.

mossberg branding on the MMR

No mistake who made this gun, to be sure. It’s nice seeing an old, trusted manufacturer’s brand on guns.

Mossberg MMR handguard
MagPul M-Lok handguard.

Nice furniture was used throughout the construction of this gun.

Mossberg MMR front sight and muzzle brake
Front sight and muzzle flash hider, A2-variety.


The mag release was sure in its function, no slop here.

Mossberg MMR front sight side
Front sight from the side.

Both sights are easily-removed via a large screw. I left them alone and didn’t attempt to add other sights.

Mossberg MMR front sight

Mossberg MMR rear sight other side
Rear sight and its adjustments.

The large round knurled wheel is for gross adjustments and the smaller wheels are for dialing adjustments in finely.

Mossberg MMR rear sight side

Mossberg MMR rear sight aperture
Rear sight — it needed no adjustment.

It comes with two apertures, a large one for short-range shooting and a smaller one for longer distances, according to the owner’s manual.

large sight aperture of the Mossberg MMR

Mossberg MMR muzzle front
Muzzle — flash hider.
pistol grip compartment of the Mossberg MMR carbine
Pistol grip compartment — it is meant to store a battery or two.
Mossberg MMR buttstock
UTG Pro collapsible butt stock with integral sling mount.
made in usa on the rifle
Buttstock extended
Mossberg MMR upper separated
Swinging the upper away from the lower — captive takedown pin.

takedown pin of the MMR Carbine

mag branding on the MMR Carbine
Steel magazine with prominent branding

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Reliability And Features

I had zero problems with the gas system. Reliability was excellent, with no feeding or extraction failures. The gun handled very well — the M-LOK handguard allowed the gun to sit on the shooting bag with no problems. I used a military 20-round magazine in order to shoot the gun off my bench, but the factory one allowed cartridges to be loaded and removed with no issues. I would trust it implicitly. Every detail about this gun just seems to yell “quality” – from the excellent handguard and other furniture to the steel sights, I could detect nothing that would steer me away from this. If Mossberg could simply adjust the trigger pull downwards a bit from the six-pounds-plus that it is now — even four pounds would help — that would go a long way to making this carbine ready to go out of the box.

Forward Assist — Needed Here?

The omission of a forward assist plunger is something that might concern me if I hadn’t already seen so many new ARs without that feature. Given the fact that the assist was added to aid in the gun’s functioning in the jungles of Vietnam, I’m not so sure that its omission is such a bad thing. Only you can decide if this is a deal-breaker or not…for me, it wouldn’t be. It was useful when it came out but after barrels began to be chrome-lined and guns were cleaned and lubricated properly, its necessity was not as great. The same philosophy applies to the lack of a dust cover…in the majority of uses, one is not required. If you want these features plus other upgrades, you could always opt for the MMR Pro version. Retailing at $1435, this gun is set up from the get-go for 3-Gun Competition and includes a forward assist, dust cover and many other upgrades. You can explore that gun here. For a lesser-expensive, more basic AR, there is nothing at all wrong with the MMR — only you can decide what features you want on your gun.


Caliber5.56 NATO
Capacity30 + 1, one steel magazine included
Barrel Typew/ A2 flash suppressor
Barrel Length16.25"
Sight/ BaseTop Picatinny rail, rail-mounted adjustable sights
Barrel Twist1:8
LOP TypeAdjustable, 10.5"-14.5"
Barrel FinishPhosphate/MilSpec hardcoat anodized, free-floated
Stock and Furniture
FurnitureMagpul M-LOK forend/hand guard; MOE grip and trigger guard
LowerBlack phosphate/anodized aluminum finish
Gas SystemDirect impingement
Weight7 lbs, 2 oz. weighed
Trigger Pull6 lbs, 6 oz. average, measured
Length, buttstock extended35.75"

If I Had My Druthers…

The main improvement that I would make to this gun would be to replace the trigger. The Pro model touts a 4-lb. trigger — I don’t see why they can’t put that trigger in this gun. I do understand that companies like to offer features “above and beyond” what comes on the standard-model gun in order to sell the upgraded one, but the trigger is something that has to be right or the rest of the gun’s build doesn’t really matter. At any rate, that’s my take on it. The gun shoots pretty well the way it is, but if it were given a better trigger, then it would shoot even better.

To Sum Up

Looking for an entry-level AR in 5.56 or maybe a second one to stick other-caliber uppers on? Here you go. I have seen guns that cost more than this one that do not have the feature set that this carbine possesses. From the iron sights to the fully-functional collapsing stock, I do believe that you could do much worse when you buy an AR. Buy this gun and stick a decent scope or other optic on it and head to the varmint fields — many coyotes and other critters would be in trouble. Or, use the sights that are on it. Flip the aperture to the large-diameter opening and take targets up close & personal all day long. Change the aperture to the smaller opening and test your marksmanship skills at 100-plus yards. Or, swap out the upper for one in .350 Legend or .300 Blackout and head to the deer woods. You have many options with this carbine. The one option that I really enjoyed was the pleasure I got just shooting paper. As I stated above, I’m more of a handgun guy so I don’t spend a lot of time with long guns of either the rifle or shotgun variety. To be sure, I know my way around such guns but I tend to specialize in revolvers and pistols. Having said that, I could see adding this gun to my collection. It seems to be very accurate, and its reliability is beyond question.

Did I like the MMR? Sure did. Would I like to add it to my collection? Sure would. If I did that, it might be worth exploring adding a different upper to it. I am interested in the .350 Legend but there are other calibers out there, too, that look worth my time. At any rate, this carbine is worth its cost in my opinion. If you’ve had experience with a Mossberg AR, please feel free to comment below. As always, keep ’em in the black and stay safe!

  1. My question, why would you buy a 900 dollar plus complete rifle to change out the upper, when you could easily buy a quality complete lower for a couple hundred dollars? Great review otherwise!

    1. Bob, good point. I would or imagine, if I owned one of these, that I would probably leave it as is. I was merely pointing out the modularity of the AR platform and the ease of adding different calibers to one rifle. Appreciate your comments!

  2. Thought the same. I will look at this as it looks quality and I don’t think you could go wrong with a Mossberg. Time to stock up.

    1. Jim, it felt like a quality gun. You can tell when one isn’t – this one shot very well and was totally reliable. Thanks for your comment!

  3. Great review. I have changed the triggers in most weapons I have owned over the years. Especially black rifles. Even the higher tiers of weaponry have a tendency to scrimp on triggers. Perhaps some liability issue.

    1. Bert, you could be right. I’ve shot several ARs that could use a trigger. I remember when I was in that shop I mentioned above that the owner, who was a whiz with an AR build, told me I needed a different trigger in my Del-Ton kit gun. He put one in for $10. Makes a difference. I agree with you – most stock triggers are not the best. Thanks for writing again – I always look forward to your comments!

  4. Mike, The review of Mossberg AR was nice. The AR platform is very versatile for a building anything to your liking.Nice to see Mossberg midrange pricing on the AR .

    1. John, yeah, the price is not bad considering what you get. The thing is sure well-built, far as I can tell. Thanks for writing!

  5. It’s been my experience with Mossberg that they build a good shotgun. The rifles I have dealt with were less than mediocre. Meaning something always broke in the receiver. IDK.

    1. Billy, too bad on those rifles. Sorry you’ve had bad luck with them. At least this one seems really tight, made with good-quality parts. I appreciate your comment!

  6. I appreciate the reviews Mike. A Lot. I only entered into the conclave of AR Platform owners about 8 years ago. So I was a Newbie when it came to the AR. I’ve learned since then, that there was a big difference between manufacturers Entry Level ARs, and I kick myself for not researching the subject better..
    I ended up purchasing a DPMS Oracle based solely upon the advice of friends and family members. This proved to be a mistake I’ll never repeat. While the Oracle isn’t a bad gun, it”s not a good one either. Many of its component parts don’t meet even Mil Spec requirements. I ended up having to replace a number of components on the gun. The end results being I spent nearly twice what I paid for the original rifle to get it up to snuff (dumping close to $500 on a $450 gun)..
    The Mossberg MMR wasn’t out then, but a number of better grade Entry Rifles were, varying in price from $100 to $300 more initially, that would have cost me less in the long run.
    That is one reason I read your reviews for your straightforward and honest critiques.
    Thank You

    1. Bemused, I’m with you. I do not claim to be an AR expert, I just know what works for me. I really appreciate your comments – keep them coming!

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Are you looking for a reliable firearm with outstanding accuracy and practicality? Then look no further than the Mossberg MMR. This is a gun that nearly everyone can appreciate. With its lightweight materials and innovative design, it’s easy to see why this rifle has become so popular in recent years.

This review will discuss what makes the Mossberg MMR an excellent firearm. Read on to learn more about why everyone loves this gun, from experienced marksmen to beginners.

Mossberg MMR Review: Pros and Cons

  • Free-floating barrel and handguards
  • Excellent budget rifle
  • Compact and sturdy construction
  • Great for home defense, range, and field use
  • Cycles smoothly with no problems
  • Mil-Spec trigger is gritty
  • Now forward assist

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Mossberg MMR Review: Shooting Experience

I normally save the target(s) for the end of my reviews, but let’s go there first this time. Also, I really enjoyed shooting this carbine and I’m more of a handgun guy so that said something to me.

I carried the carbine to my back yard shooting bench before the rain came — not complaining, we need the rain — but didn’t want to get it or myself too wet. Anyway, I am down on .223/5.56 factory ammo at the moment, along with every other caliber I shoot. This is a product of the times, as we all know. Hopefully, it will get better before long.

Anyway, I had a handload ready that had performed well in my Del-Ton carbine. It consists of a Sierra 55-grain SP bullet ahead of 26.0 grains of W844, a military pull-down powder I bought from an AR shop that, unfortunately, is no longer around.

I got this 10-shot group at about 40 yards — only having open sights, I didn’t want to push the range. I am not the best shot on the block. At any rate, the load liked the gun and vice versa.

It hit just a touch left with a center hold but it isn’t my gun so the sights stayed put. I do believe that if you scoped this beast (or at least put a red dot on it), you would have an MOA-or-close shooter on your hands.

Given some factory loads to choose from, this gun would really shine. The rifling would support heavier bullets, as well. The 6-pound-plus trigger pull didn’t aid my accuracy attempts. Add in a modified trigger and you would really be good to go. Even given that, this is one sweet shooter.

target shot with MMR carbine

Mossberg MMR Review: Nuts & Bolts

The MMR uses a direct-impingement gas system. I had done a round-up of some of the best ARs out there and I talked a bit about gas systems — you can read that here. I do not claim to be an expert on such things but do know a bit about what makes these guns tick.

You can see in the following photos some of the inherent features of this gun. I liked most everything about it except for the trigger — at 6-pounds-plus, it was a mite heavy for precision shooting. But, triggers are easily swapped out in these guns so that’s not a deal breaker.

Now, let’s look at some photos and talk a bit about the gun.

Mossberg MMR right side
The MMR with butt stock collapsed.

Note, no forward assist or dust cover. The bolt is grooved and is ready for a forward assist but many ARs are coming out today without these items, as many manufacturers choose not to include them on their new builds.

mossberg branding on the MMR

No mistake who made this gun, to be sure. It’s nice seeing an old, trusted manufacturer’s brand on guns.

Mossberg MMR handguard
MagPul M-Lok handguard.

Nice furniture was used throughout the construction of this gun.

Mossberg MMR front sight and muzzle brake
Front sight and muzzle flash hider, A2-variety.

The mag release was sure in its function, no slop here.

Mossberg MMR front sight side
Front sight from the side.

Both sights are easily-removed via a large screw. I left them alone and didn’t attempt to add other sights.

Mossberg MMR front sight
Mossberg MMR rear sight other side
Rear sight and its adjustments.

The large round knurled wheel is for gross adjustments and the smaller wheels are for dialing adjustments in finely.

Mossberg MMR rear sight side
Mossberg MMR rear sight aperture
Rear sight — it needed no adjustment.

According to the owner’s manual, it comes with two apertures, a large one for short-range shooting and a smaller one for longer distances.

large sight aperture of the Mossberg MMR
Mossberg MMR muzzle front
Muzzle — flash hider.
pistol grip compartment of the Mossberg MMR carbine
Pistol grip compartment — it is meant to store a battery or two.
Mossberg MMR buttstock
UTG Pro collapsible butt stock with integral sling mount.
made in usa on the rifle
Buttstock extended
Mossberg MMR upper separated
Swinging the upper away from the lower — captive takedown pin.
takedown pin of the MMR Carbine
mag branding on the MMR Carbine
Steel magazine with prominent branding

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Mossberg MMR Review: Reliability and Features

I had zero problems with the gas system. Reliability was excellent, with no feeding or extraction failures. The gun handled very well — the M-LOK handguard allowed the gun to sit on the shooting bag with no problems.

I used a military 20-round magazine in order to shoot the gun off my bench, but the factory one allowed cartridges to be loaded and removed with no issues. I would trust it implicitly. Every detail about this gun just seems to yell “quality” — from the excellent handguard and other furniture to the steel sights, I could detect nothing that would steer me away from this.

If Mossberg could simply adjust the trigger pull downwards a bit from the six-pounds-plus that it is now — even four pounds would help — that would go a long way to making this carbine ready to go out of the box.


The Mossberg MMR Carbine is light and reliable, exactly how an AR should be, coming in at 6.75 pounds unloaded thanks to its 7075 T6 aluminum upper and lower receivers.

The black phosphate/anodized metal finish provides further protection for all metal surfaces. It also features a 1:8 twist rate for stabilization with a wider range of bullet weights.

Barrel and Sights

The barrel is button-rifled and made of free-floating carbon steel. It also has detachable, turret-style target sights placed on an adjustable rail. The front sight has an elevation knob, while the rear sight has knobs for both windage and elevation. The Picatinny rail runs the length of the gun and has a flat top, allowing for a wide range of modifications.


The trigger is unpleasant because it is a typical Mil-Spec single stage. If you wish to keep shooting with this pistol, you’ll need to change it because it feels awkward and gritty.

The stock trigger features a normal mil-spec break, somewhere between a single-stage and a two-stage trigger, with none of the advantages of either.


The grip, the other component Mossberg doesn’t manufacture, is similarly unique. Mossberg commissioned an MOE+ pistol grip and MOE polymer trigger guard from Magpul. The Magpul MOE+ grip is wonderfully tactile, and the six-position adjustable buttstock on the MMR snaps in and out easily.

On the downside, this position lowers your hand in proportion to the pistol. There is plenty of clearance for a gloved trigger finger on the oversized Magpul MOE polymer trigger guard. Although having a bigger trigger guard and a more secure grip has its advantages, it also makes it more difficult to activate the safety.

Mossberg MMR Review: Forward Assist

The omission of a forward assist plunger is something that might concern me if I hadn’t already seen so many new ARs without that feature. Given the fact that the assist was added to aid in the gun’s functioning in the jungles of Vietnam, I’m not so sure that its omission is such a bad thing.

Only you can decide if this is a deal-breaker or not. But for me, it wouldn’t be. It was useful when it came out, but after barrels began to be chrome-lined and guns were cleaned and lubricated properly, its necessity could have been better. The same philosophy applies to the lack of a dust cover. In the majority of uses, one is not required.

You could always opt for the MMR Pro version if you want these features plus other upgrades. This gun is set up from the get-go for 3-Gun Competition and includes a forward assist, dust cover, and many other upgrades. You can explore that gun here. For a lesser-expensive, more basic AR, there is nothing wrong with the MMR — only you can decide what features you want on your gun.

Mossberg MMR Review: Specs

Caliber5.56 NATO
Capacity30 + 1, one steel magazine included
Barrel Typew/ A2 flash suppressor
Barrel Length16.25"
Sight/ BaseTop Picatinny rail, rail-mounted adjustable sights
Barrel Twist1:8
LOP TypeAdjustable, 10.5"-14.5"
Barrel FinishPhosphate/MilSpec hardcoat anodized, free-floated
Stock and Furniture
FurnitureMagpul M-LOK forend/hand guard; MOE grip and trigger guard
LowerBlack phosphate/anodized aluminum finish
Gas SystemDirect impingement
Weight7 lbs, 2 oz. weighed
Trigger Pull6 lbs, 6 oz. average, measured
Length, buttstock extended35.75"

If I Had My Druthers

The main improvement that I would make to this gun would be to replace the trigger. The Pro model touts a 4-lb. trigger — I don’t see why they can’t put that trigger in this gun.

I do understand that companies like to offer features “above and beyond” what comes on the standard-model gun in order to sell the upgraded one, but the trigger is something that has to be right or the rest of the gun’s build doesn’t really matter.

At any rate, that’s my take on it. The gun shoots pretty well the way it is, but if it were given a better trigger, then it would shoot even better.

Wrap Up: Is the Mossberg MMR a Good Gun?

Looking for an entry-level AR in 5.56 or maybe a second one to stick other-caliber uppers on? Here you go. I have seen guns that cost more than this one that do not have the feature set that this carbine possesses.

From the iron sights to the fully-functional collapsing stock, I do believe that you could do much worse when you buy an AR. Buy this gun and stick a decent scope or other optic on it and head to the varmint fields — many coyotes and other critters would be in trouble.

Or, use the sights that are on it. Flip the aperture to the large-diameter opening and take targets up close & personal all day long. Change the aperture to the smaller opening and test your marksmanship skills at 100-plus yards.

Or, swap out the upper for one in .350 Legend or .300 Blackout and head to the deer woods. You have many options with this carbine. The one option that I really enjoyed was the pleasure I got just shooting paper.

As I stated above, I’m more of a handgun guy so I don’t spend a lot of time with long guns of either the rifle or shotgun variety. To be sure, I know my way around such guns but I tend to specialize in revolvers and pistols. Having said that, I could see adding this gun to my collection. It seems to be very accurate, and its reliability is beyond question.

Did I like the MMR? Sure did. Would I like to add it to my collection? Sure would. If I did that, it might be worth exploring adding a different upper to it. I am interested in the .350 Legend but there are other calibers out there, too, that look worth my time.

At any rate, this carbine is worth its cost in my opinion. If you’ve had experience with a Mossberg AR, please feel free to comment below. As always, keep ’em in the black and stay safe.

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