Ruger LCRx .357

[Review] Ruger LCRx .357 Magnum Snubby

What — a lightweight snubby in .357? Wow! That would be handful! I can hear the comments flowing from all you revolver shooters out there. And, these comments are not without merit. I have shot snub-nosed revolvers before, in calibers from .22 LR to .357 and it certainly can be a handful. A lot of folks who carry a short-barreled .357 will make sure that the gun’s frame is made of steel, not polymer. That does help to soak up recoil to a certain extent. I recently shot a S&W model 60 in .357 at a church “guy’s night out” at a local range. (That was fun, to be sure!). I somewhat apprehensively put several rounds downrange and then noticed that my shooting hand was still attached to my wrist. It wasn’t that bad. But, that was a steel-framed gun…read below about my experience shooting this poly-framed Ruger.

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.38 Special +P?

OK. We have a gun chambered in .357 Magnum, so we load it with .38 Special +P ammo. Huh? Let’s face it — the +P rounds should be as effective as those .357 loads in a short barrel, right? Not necessarily. I recently watched a YouTube video by Paul Harrell. This guy seems to know what he’s doing. He’s former military and has many videos that have him shooting into his “patented meat target” or words to that effect – you’ll see what he’s talking about if you watch any of his videos. At any rate, even out of a short barrel, the .357 was still ahead of the .38 +P rounds in terms of velocity and energy during his test of the two calibers – there is one specific video that compares the two calibers. You can see it here. It is interesting viewing if you carry a small revolver for self-defense.

The LCRx

First, let’s define LCRx. It stands for Light Carry Revolver, external hammer. Previous LCRs had an enclosed hammer but there are now nine different models with the exposed hammer in calibers .22 LR, .22 Magnum, .327 Federal Mag, 9mm, .38 Spl. and .357 Magnum that cost either $579 or $669 MSRP. If you want the enclosed-hammer version, there are six models plus one dealer exclusive that are in the same calibers and at the same prices as above. All guns have either a 1.87″ or 3″ barrel. Only the LCRx models have the longer tube — there are four of them.

That’s the breakdown, fresh from the Ruger website. It is current as of this writing. Looks like, to me, that no matter what you are looking for in a snubby, Ruger most likely has it covered. They have obviously stuck with the 1.87″ barrel length that S&W made popular in its line of J-frame snubbies. Taurus and other makers put a 2″ tube on their snubbies. The minor length discrepancy makes no practical difference in handling or shooting these little guns. The difference is felt when you move to a 3″ barrel. It does tend to handle a bit differently, plus it give you just a bit longer sight radius. As far as velocity goes, I can’t really see it making that much difference but when I shoot this, I’ll make sure to shoot some .38 Spl. loads. I’ll report below what I find. I own both the Taurus 85 and a S&W 638 J-frame.

taurus 85 revolver
Taurus 85
Smith and Wesson 638 Airweight
S&W 638

For some reason, the Taurus shows greater velocity with a given load than does the 638. I sincerely doubt that it’s because the Taurus barrel is .13″ longer than the Smith’s… sometimes similar guns just clock faster or slower velocities when compared to each other when they are chronographed. That’s the way it is.

To Hammer Or Not to Hammer?

Why would Ruger bring out a gun, actually four different guns, in the LCR line and put an exposed hammer on it? It’s the same reason that S&W makes different J-frames with and without an exposed hammer. My 638 is the best of both worlds, with a frame built up around the hammer that only exposes the very tip of it so that you can cock the gun for a single-action shot if needed but does not get snagged when you draw it since most of the hammer is hidden.

Another question is, why the three-inch barrel? I can only answer that by stating that three-inch revolvers are becoming more and more popular. They have always held a certain cachet with shooters…remember back to the 1873 Peacemaker Sheriff’s Model that had the 7.5-inch barrel bobbed to three inches, for better concealment. One of the big sellers for S&W is their 686 .357 Magnum with a three-inch barrel.


The 7-shot 686 Plus is popular, as are the Performance Center models that incorporate upward-angled muzzle vents in front of the front sight that helps keep the muzzle down on firing. The 686 mentioned goes for over $800 MSRP, and they sell all they can make. So, it only made sense for Ruger (who is no stranger to carry revolvers) to come out with a few three-inch-barrel guns in various calibers. They have long had steel-framed, three-inch guns but it really made news when they brought out polymer-framed guns with the three-inch barrel. The adjustable sight is just icing on the cake. I have long believed that you need to be able to adjust your gun’s sights to your load of choice and the old “trough-in-the-frame” rear snubby sight does not allow that with anything short of a Dremel tool (shudder) or file. Whether you want adjustable sights on your carry gun is your call — I just know how I feel.


Let’s look, in a little more detail, at our test gun.

Ruger LCRx .357 left side

Ruger LCRx .357 right side

Ruger LCRx .357 barrel branding
Make no mistake — it’s a Ruger, and it’s a .357!

Ruger LCRx .357 barrel right side

Ruger LCRx .357 cylinder release
Inward-moving cylinder release.

I like it. Also, a good shot of the heavily-fluted cylinder.

Ruger LCRx .357 front sight
White insert in front sight. I did not do this — it came that way. This is a very good thing.
rear sight of the Ruger LCRx
Ruger’s excellent adjustable rear sight with positive click adjustment.
Ruger LCRx .357 grip texture
The grip

and who made it…

Ruger LCRx .357 grip logos

trigger and guard of the Ruger LCRx
Smooth trigger — good idea.
Ruger LCRx .357 open cylinder
5 sure shots of .357 Magnum


Caliber:.357 Magnum, .38 Spl., .38 Spl. +P
Length:7.5 inches
Height:5.8 inches
Weight:20.5 oz. empty, weighed on my scale
Barrel:3 inches, 6 grooves
Trigger Pull:SA: 4 lbs, 4 oz.; DA, 9 lbs, 2 oz. (measured)
Capacity:5 rounds
Sights:Fully-adjustable rear; replaceable pinned front with white bar
Grip:Hogue Tamer Monogrip
Finish:Matt black
Cylinder Finish:PVD

Carrying The LCR

How would you carry this gun? In a pocket? Unless you’re Captain Kangaroo (remember him, and Mr. Green Jeans?) with his outsized duffle-bag-sized pockets, I wouldn’t suggest that. The 3″ barrel just precludes sticking it in your handy pocket holster. (And, as I say every time I mention carrying a gun in a pocket, don’t ever go without a pocket holster. Never just stick a gun in your pocket).

Allow me to mention just one brand of holster that I like. I reviewed concealed carry holsters a while ago but was unable to get one of these in time for the review. There are many great holsters out there, but I like the Crossbreed line. I wish I’d gotten my samples in time, but didn’t.

crossbreed holster

This is the Crossbreed SuperTuck. It obviously does not show a revolver but you get the idea. I have one for my Taurus Spectrum that has just one clip and is more than sufficient for that job.

Anyway, you can check out their holsters for the LCRx .357 here. I have holsters from Bianchi, Safariland, Concealment Express and Bravo Tactical among others. They all do a good job. What you should probably steer away from are the one-size-fits-a-whole-lot-of-guns nylon holsters. I have some of those for just carrying around my homestead but would not trust them in a concealed carry role. The problem is that they try to fit several guns into one holster, so they do none exactly right. One size does not fit all where guns are concerned. Plus, nylon isn’t the best material to build a duty-type or concealed carry holster from, and I consider concealed carry to require duty-level holsters (and guns, for that matter). I trust leather, first, then kydex, second. Each has its advantages, so without hijacking this review and turning it into an opus on holsters, just check around and do your homework. There are a lot of good holsters out there — make sure you get a decent one to carry your Ruger in.

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Shooting The LCRx

I decided to shoot the LCRx with a couple of basic loads. Given the current ammo situation, I was extremely limited in my ammo selection. I still had some Fiocchi .38 Spl. loads left over from previous reviews, so I tried that. I also had my favorite .357 handload, a Lee 160-grain hardcast semi-wadcutter over 7.1 of Long Shot (excellent all-around powder for handguns, by the way). I clocked both loads. Here are some targets and related info. Neither load showed gilt-edged accuracy but that’s not what this gun is about. It displayed more than enough accuracy for its task. I shot both loads at about 15 yards — it was interesting…

First, the .357 load:

target shot with 357

My hard-cast 160-grain semi-wadcutter over 7.1 grains of Long Shot generated 1190 f.p.s. out of the short 3-inch barrel. I was surprised, to say the least. When you get velocity like that, you end up with over 500 ft./lbs. of energy (503, to be exact). That’s some serious power. I have a feeling that, if I had more time, I could get really decent groups with this load. And, if the barrel was one inch longer, the gun and load would be deer-legal in my state. That’s saying something, considering we’re talking about a snub-nosed variant.

Now the .38 Spl. Load:

target 38 spl

This Fiocchi 158-grain JHP load generated right at 800 f.p.s. out of the Ruger. I was impressed with bullet expansion when I shot the load out of my 2-inch Taurus 85 snubby. Again, I think if I had more time, I could generate a tighter group. I wouldn’t be afraid to carry this gun with this load, even with the relatively-low energy of 225 ft./lbs. Bullet placement, as always, is king.

As far as the sights go, the white bar on the front sight really helped. I did not need to adjust the rear sight — it was good to go. I do need to mention one more thing about shooting a lightweight .357. I had referred, in a previous review, to the sensation of touching off a full-bore .357 load in a lightweight revolver as akin to having a friend whack your outstretched palm with a 2×4. I got a similar sensation with the Ruger, but in all honesty, it was controllable and easy to get back on target. Muzzle flip really wasn’t that bad. So, if you practiced with .38 Spl. +P and then added an effective .357 load to your practice regimen, I would think that you would be well-armed with this gun.


Would I like to own this 3-inch snubby? You betcha. I think it fills a niche in the revolver market. It isn’t a 2-inch snubby and it isn’t a 4-inch full-size .357 revolver. The 3-inch barrel is the Goldilocks length between the two. You have most of the portability, the concealability, of a 2-inch barrel plus the usefulness of a longer-barreled gun with adjustable sights. In addition to carrying this gun as your concealed-carry weapon, I could also see carrying this when hunting. In my state, .357 handguns are legal for deer but need a minimum 4-inch barrel as I said above. I would carry this gun just as protection from things that might want to hurt me, two- or four-legged. It isn’t unheard of for hunters to get into trouble around here, so any type of protection you can carry would be welcome, especially of the .357-Magnum-variety. Another use I could see for this poly-framed handy little gun would be as a truck or glove-compartment passenger. You could carry this and nobody would have to know it was there, where legal of course. One other use off the top of my head would be as a trapper’s companion. You wouldn’t have to worry about scratching a finely-finished steel gun, given its polymer construction. Also, at 20 ounces or so, it isn’t going to pull your belt down. And lastly, you would have five rounds of .357 that should put down whatever critter is in your trap. These are just thoughts about usage — you will come up with your own, of course. If you own one of these, let us hear from you below and as always, keep ’em in the black and stay safe!

  1. Have the LCR snub nose, enclosed hammer version. Put a tritium night sight on it and a Lasermax laser that looks like it is built into the gun. I do not find the recoil bad even with full power .357 loads, and neither did my one niece when she shot it. The polymer frame actually helps to absorb recoil; the frame and barrel are a Carpenter super stainless steel. This gun has saved me in woods a few times, great gun.

    1. Just Me, I’m glad your LCR works so well for you. I’ve also noticed that poly frames tend to flex a tiny bit, absorbing a bit of the recoil. Sounds like you enjoy shooting your Ruger. Thanks for writing!

  2. As a DISABLED USMC VETERAN, DISABLED, living on forearm crutches, or a wheelchair. 44+ surgeries, and too many procedures….. I still love my Ruger Security 6, 6″ barrel. I also love my Smith & Wesson 32 HR magnum, The pistol I take when in the forest/mountains, hunting is a RUGER 41 MAGNUM, you talk about still having the hand attached, the 44Mag, if I don’t pay attention totally could sprain my wrist, and living on forearm crutches, not a good thing. All of the ladies I dated before I met my wife of 25 years, loved to shoot the 32 magnum. I told them “NO RING, NO GUN” I gave my wife a choice of my firearms for Mothers Day one year, she took my 22 LR for her protection, blew me away, (the 32 was too heavy to be comfortable), I respect that she took something she would use. Different firearms for different people. I have a lot of people ask me what they should get, I tell them we are all different, and what is good for me being super strong in the arms, may not be good for them, I tell them I will go shopping with them and not to go for the pretty gun, go for the one you will be comfortable with and willing to train with and shoot a couple hundred rounds a week with, (not that I nor a lot can afford to do that any more) and do the research, I have always done my own reloads, except for rim fire. and shotgun. I am one that is skeptical about new products, i.e. like the polymer, I am old fashioned, I have had my security six for over 35 years. I love to shoot, but not so much at a range, but the fire restrictions in Colorado the past 2 years, I haven’t shot nearly enough… but dry fire training, and using some weights and just holding them out at arms length, I hope/pray I still have the shooting skills that I know I have had in the past. I used to give my 3 daughters targets I shot with them at 25 & 50 yards depending on the caliber. and told them to show them to young men who want to take them out. with this written on them, “I don’t miss, you disrespect my daughters, and you will never have children of your own” my oldest quit showing it to prospective boy friends, she said they just left… I told her they weren’t the one for her. Now she is happily married to a GOOD MAN.

    1. Larry, first off, let me join John below in thanking you for your service – sounds like you surely paid a price for that service. My hat is off to you! As for the Security Six, they’ve been popular since day 1. They are nothing fancy but are built like tanks. It’s a testimony to their ruggedness that you are still shooting yours 35 years later. As for your wife choosing a .22, that’s what my wife chose. I sometimes think we overthink things and feel we have to carry the latest/greatest stomper caliber concealed when that may not be the case. The older I get, the more I don’t want to mess with “big” guns but instead will stick a .38 snubby or .380 in a pocket holster. I don’t know the actual stat, but I do know that many attacks are stopped by just displaying a gun. I would imagine that most 2-legged predators are looking for an easy mark, and do not want to get shot so they move on to someone who doesn’t point a gun at them. Given that situation, caliber is immaterial. At any rate, I’m glad you and your wife shoot – that’s a good thing. And, as for warning your daughters’ boyfriends with your target, we had boys so they might’ve been on the other end of that conversation. 🙂 Thanks for writing!

    1. Jack, thanks for the compliment. You never know – you might be in the market for one eventually, so you can re-read it then. Thanks for writing!

  3. I’ve got a 20 year or so old SP101 in .357, 3 inch all stainless steel. It’s a chunky handful, and when you shoot it you’ll be glad for the weight. Buffalo Bore makes a load for it that sends a 125 gr. hollow point out at a claimed 1700 FPS from a six inch barrel. It only loses a little speed from the three inch one on this gun. The fireball and muzzle blast are impressive, and the recoil stout. The most interesting thing is that it’s the loudest gun I own. Louder than a 10mm 1911, louder than an AR15, louder than a .44 Magnum, louder than a Springfield Squad Scout rifle in 7.62x 51, louder than a 12Ga. shotgun. Some of that may be due to its closeness to the head when it’s fired, but it is louder than the rest. Others have fired it, and usually after a round or two, they give me a smile and a funny look, and hand it back. I would not fire that round from a plastic gun for anything. I would never fire that round without earmuffs. That round in that gun is actually sort of useless for self defense unless muffs are worn everywhere the gun is carried. One unprotected round without hearing protection would, in my opinion, leave the shooter permanently deaf. But, it is fun when letting one loose on the range, to see everyone step back from the firing line to see what the hell just went off. I do carry it, but filled with a bit milder loads in the range of 12 or 1300FPS for self defense if ever needed. I do suspect that a contact shot with the really hot loads could set an assailant’s clothes on fire. I might experiment with some rags one day just to see, but don’t want to try it for real. If ammo ever becomes available again, you might want to try those loads. They’re quite impressive.

    1. John, interesting! I like a good fireball every now and again. I’ve shot enough short-barreled magnums to know about the noise, as well. I recently had a 10-inch AR 5.56 pistol barrel about 10 inches fro my ear when a shot was fired, unintentional of course, My hearing still hasn’t recovered. Glad you enjoy your SP101 – it’s a great gun. Thanks for writing!

  4. Too bad Ruger only makes a 5-shot.357, where the Old Standard is a 6-shot .357, and S&W makes a 7-shot.
    Less is more, is only for those cheesy and trendy California Restaurants who serve their attractive California Cuisine where after I eat one of their full meals I’m still hungry.
    Which manufacturer makes a 8-shot .357 revolver?

    1. OldGuy, I know what you mean about those “trendy” meals…not worth it for me! As for 8-shot .357s, S&W, Ruger and Taurus all make at least one. Not sure about size – they may be too big to carry – but at least they are there. I just reviewed a Taurus 7-shooter with an extra 9mm cylinder – nice gun! It’s small enough to carry and weighs 32 ounces. Ported barrel cuts down on recoil, as well. Watch for the review here, not sure when it will appear. Thanks for writing!

  5. Mike, just pulled my Ruger LCRX off my belt after a day of carry. It shoots 357 well and even though it’s three inches, I barely knew it was there. I appreciate the weight and the extra inch on the barrel. You are correct, it is the Goldilocks in ballistics between the four inch and snubby. As always, great article and keep up the good work, brother. I appreciate the work you put in to your information. Stay well and safe.

    1. Mark, I appreciate your comments – thanks! The LCRx is a great compromise between 2- and 4-inch guns. I’m glad you like yours. Thanks for writing!

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Are you looking for an awesome handgun that can handle any situation? Look no further than the Ruger LCRx. This lightweight, snag-free revolver has been on a fast track to fame since it was introduced in 2013 and is quickly becoming a must-have firearm for gun owners all over America.

Whether you’re an experienced shooter or completely new to guns, this Ruger knows how to impress with its reliable design and plethora of features. In this post, we’ll be diving deeper into what makes the LCRx so impressive. So let’s get started.

Ruger LCRx Pros and Cons

  • Compact and lightweight design makes it ideal for self-defense and concealed carry use
  • Made of premium materials
  • Available in multiple different calibers and configuration
  • Very accurate, low recoil and easy to shoot
  • adjustable and highly visible sights
  • The ejector rod in the short-barrel model is too short to fully eject cases
  • Heavy trigger pull in double action mode

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What is a .38 Special +P?

Since we have a gun chambered in .357 Magnum, we can load it with .38 Special +P ammo. Let’s face it — the +P rounds should be as effective as those .357 loads in a short barrel, right? Not necessarily.

I recently watched a YouTube video by Paul Harrell. This guy seems to know what he’s doing. He’s former military and has many videos that have him shooting into his “patented meat target” or words to that effect. You’ll see what he’s talking about if you watch any of his videos.

At any rate, even out of a short barrel, the .357 was still ahead of the .38 +P rounds in terms of velocity and energy during his test of the two calibers.

Here is a video that compares the two calibers. It is interesting to view if you carry a small revolver for self-defense.

Ruger LCRx Review

First, let’s define LCRx. It stands for Light Carry Revolver, external hammer. Previous LCRs had an enclosed hammer but there are now nine different models with the exposed hammer in calibers .22 LR, .22 Magnum, .327 Federal Mag, 9mm, .38 Spl. and .357 Magnum.

If you want the enclosed-hammer version, there are six models plus one dealer exclusive in the same caliber and at the same prices as above. All guns have either a 1.87″ or 3″ barrel. Only the LCRx models have the longer tube — four of them.

That’s the breakdown, fresh from the Ruger website. It is current as of this writing. Looks like, to me, that no matter what you are looking for in a snubby, Ruger most likely has it covered. They have obviously stuck with the 1.87″ barrel length that S&W made popular in its line of J-frame snubbies. Taurus and other makers put a 2″ tube on their snubbies.

The minor length discrepancy makes no practical difference in handling or shooting these little guns. The difference is felt when you move to a 3″ barrel. It does tend to handle a bit differently, plus it give you just a bit longer sight radius.

As far as velocity goes, I can’t really see it making that much difference but when I shoot this, I’ll make sure to shoot some .38 Spl. loads. I’ll report below what I find. I own both the Taurus 85 and a S&W 638 J-frame.

taurus 85 revolver
Taurus 85
Smith and Wesson 638 Airweight
S&W 638

For some reason, the Taurus shows greater velocity with a given load than does the 638. I sincerely doubt that it’s because the Taurus barrel is .13″ longer than the Smith’s. Sometimes similar guns just clock faster or slower velocities when compared to each other when they are chronographed. That’s the way it is.

Ruger LCRx Review: Hammer or No Hammer?

Why would Ruger bring out a gun, actually four different guns, in the LCR line and put an exposed hammer on it? It’s the same reason that S&W makes different J-frames with and without an exposed hammer.

My 638 is the best of both worlds, with a frame built up around the hammer that only exposes the very tip of it so that you can cock the gun for a single-action shot if needed but does not get snagged when you draw it since most of the hammer is hidden.

Another question is, why the three-inch barrel? I can only answer that by stating that three-inch revolvers are becoming more and more popular. They have always held a certain cachet with shooters.

Remember back to the 1873 Peacemaker Sheriff’s Model that had the 7.5-inch barrel bobbed to three inches for better concealment. One of the big sellers for S&W is their 686 .357 Magnum with a three-inch barrel.


The 7-shot 686 Plus is popular, as are the Performance Center models that incorporate upward-angled muzzle vents in front of the front sight that helps keep the muzzle down on firing.

It only made sense for Ruger (who is no stranger to carry revolvers) to come out with a few three-inch-barrel guns in various calibers. They have long had steel-framed, three-inch guns but it really made news when they brought out polymer-framed guns with the three-inch barrel.

The adjustable sight is just icing on the cake. I have long believed that you need to be able to adjust your gun’s sights to your load of choice and the old “trough-in-the-frame” rear snubby sight does not allow that with anything short of a Dremel tool (shudder) or file. Whether you want adjustable sights on your carry gun is your call — I just know how I feel.

Ruger LCRx Review: Photos

Let’s look, in a little more detail, at our test gun.

Ruger LCRx .357 left side
Ruger LCRx .357 right side
Ruger LCRx .357 barrel branding
Make no mistake — it’s a Ruger, and it’s a .357.
Ruger LCRx .357 barrel right side
Ruger LCRx .357 cylinder release
Inward-moving cylinder release.

I like it. Also, a good shot of the heavily-fluted cylinder.

Ruger LCRx .357 front sight
White insert in front sight. I did not do this — it came that way. This is a very good thing.
rear sight of the Ruger LCRx
Ruger’s excellent adjustable rear sight with positive click adjustment.
Ruger LCRx .357 grip texture
The grip.
Ruger LCRx .357 grip logos
trigger and guard of the Ruger LCRx
Smooth trigger — good idea.
Ruger LCRx .357 open cylinder
5 sure shots of .357 Magnum

Ruger LCRx Review Specs

Caliber:.357 Magnum, .38 Spl., .38 Spl. +P
Length:7.5 inches
Height:5.8 inches
Weight:20.5 oz. empty, weighed on my scale
Barrel:3 inches, 6 grooves
Trigger Pull:SA: 4 lbs, 4 oz.; DA, 9 lbs, 2 oz. (measured)
Capacity:5 rounds
Sights:Fully-adjustable rear; replaceable pinned front with white bar
Grip:Hogue Tamer Monogrip
Finish:Matt black
Cylinder Finish:PVD

Carrying the Ruger LCRx

How would you carry this gun? In a pocket? Unless you’re Captain Kangaroo (remember him, and Mr. Green Jeans?) with his outsized duffle-bag-sized pockets, I wouldn’t suggest that.

In addition, the 3″ barrel just precludes sticking it in your handy pocket holster. (And, as I say every time I mention carrying a gun in a pocket, don’t ever go without a pocket holster. Never stick a gun in your pocket).

Allow me to mention just one brand of holster that I like. I reviewed concealed carry holsters a while ago but was unable to get one of these in time for the review. There are many great holsters out there, but I like the Crossbreed line. I wish I’d gotten my samples in time, but didn’t.

crossbreed holster

This is the Crossbreed SuperTuck. It obviously does not show a revolver but you get the idea. I have one for my Taurus Spectrum that has just one clip and is more than sufficient for that job.

Anyway, you can check out their holsters for the LCRx .357 here. I have holsters from Bianchi, Safariland, Concealment Express and Bravo Tactical among others. They all do a good job. What you should probably steer away from are the one-size-fits-a-whole-lot-of-guns nylon holsters.

I have some of those for just carrying around my homestead but would not trust them in a concealed carry role. The problem is that they try to fit several guns into one holster, so they do none exactly right. One size does not fit all where guns are concerned.

Plus, nylon isn’t the best material to build a duty-type or concealed carry holster from, and I consider concealed carry to require duty-level holsters (and guns, for that matter).

I trust leather, first, then kydex, second. Each has its advantages, so without hijacking this review and turning it into an opus on holsters, just check around and do your homework. There are a lot of good holsters out there — make sure you get a decent one to carry your Ruger in.

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Ruger LCRx Review: Shooting Performance

I decided to shoot the LCRx with a couple of basic loads. Given the current ammo situation, I was extremely limited in my ammo selection. I still had some Fiocchi .38 Spl. loads left over from previous reviews, so I tried that.

Also, I had my favorite .357 handload, a Lee 160-grain hardcast semi-wadcutter over 7.1 of Long Shot (excellent all-around powder for handguns, by the way). I clocked both loads.

Here are some targets and related info. Neither load showed gilt-edged accuracy but that’s not what this gun is about. It displayed more than enough accuracy for its task. I shot both loads at about 15 yards — it was interesting.

Ruger LCRx .357

target shot with 357

My hard-cast 160-grain semi-wadcutter over 7.1 grains of Long Shot generated 1190 f.p.s. out of the short 3-inch barrel. I was surprised, to say the least. When you get velocity like that, you end up with over 500 ft./lbs. of energy (503, to be exact). That’s some serious power.

I have a feeling that, if I had more time, I could get really decent groups with this load. And, if the barrel was one inch longer, the gun and load would be deer-legal in my state. That’s saying something, considering we’re talking about a snub-nosed variant.

Ruger LCRx .38 Special

target 38 spl

This Fiocchi 158-grain JHP load generated right at 800 f.p.s. out of the Ruger. I was impressed with bullet expansion when I shot the load out of my 2-inch Taurus 85 snubby.

Again, I think if I had more time, I could generate a tighter group. I wouldn’t be afraid to carry this gun with this load, even with the relatively-low energy of 225 ft./lbs. Bullet placement, as always, is king.

As far as the sights go, the white bar on the front sight really helped. I did not need to adjust the rear sight — it was good to go.

Also, I had referred, in a previous review, to the sensation of touching off a full-bore .357 load in a lightweight revolver as akin to having a friend whack your outstretched palm with a 2×4. I got a similar sensation with the Ruger, but in all honesty, it was controllable and easy to get back on target. Muzzle flip wasn’t that bad.

So, if you practiced with .38 Spl. +P and then added an effective .357 load to your practice regimen, I think you would be well-armed with this gun.

Who is the Ruger LCRx For?

In addition to carrying this gun as your concealed-carry weapon, I could also see carrying this when hunting. In my state, .357 handguns are legal for deer but need a minimum 4-inch barrel as I said above. I would carry this gun just as protection from things that might want to hurt me, two- or four-legged.

It isn’t unheard of for hunters to get into trouble around here, so any type of protection you can carry would be welcome, especially of the .357-Magnum-variety. Another use I could see for this poly-framed handy little gun would be as a truck or glove-compartment passenger. You could carry this and nobody would have to know it was there, where legal of course.

One other use off the top of my head would be as a trapper’s companion. You wouldn’t have to worry about scratching a finely-finished steel gun, given its polymer construction. Also, at 20 ounces or so, it isn’t going to pull your belt down.

And lastly, you would have five rounds of .357 that should put down whatever critter is in your trap. These are just thoughts about usage — you will come up with your own, of course.

Wrap Up: Is the the Ruger LCRx a Good Gun?

Would I like to own this 3-inch snubby? You betcha. I think it fills a niche in the revolver market. It isn’t a 2-inch snubby and it isn’t a 4-inch full-size .357 revolver. The 3-inch barrel is the Goldilocks length between the two. You have most of the portability, the concealability, of a 2-inch barrel plus the usefulness of a longer-barreled gun with adjustable sights.

If you own one of these, let us hear from you below and as always, keep ’em in the black and stay safe.

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