Subcompact glock and ammo

Best Single-Stack Subcompact 9mms [Concealed Carry]

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Concealed carry options are widely available across the United States. Each state currently has its own version of concealed carry legislation. The upside to all of this is that more and more people are getting their concealed carry permits than ever before, and most of them seem to be carrying some form of 9mm pistol–which includes some of our favorite subcompact 9mms!

Screenshot poll
The favorite caliber breakdown.

A poll taken by drew over 1,800 respondents–39% of which reported carrying a 9mm. The next most popular caliber was the .40 S&W, with 24%, followed by .45 APC pistols with 23%. 

Sure, it’s not a scientific poll, but it at least sheds an unofficial light on what folks out there are carrying. 

Currently, one of the most favored 9mm pistols is the subcompact single-stack, and there are several reasons for its popularity!

We’ll explore those reasons further, but first, let’s review our lineup.

  • Ruger LC9s: This pistol is slim, lightweight, and compact. Very useful for personal protection.
  • Glock 43 Gen 4: This pistol is ultra-concealable, accurate, and fantastic for all shooters.
  • S&W M&P Shield 9: This pistol is easy to conceal and offers professional-grade features, with simple operation and reliability.
  • S&W M&P Shield EZ 9: Slightly bigger than the Shield 9, but easier to rack. And it’s just as high quality as the Shield 9.
  • Beretta BU9 Nano: The BU9 is small, powerful, and intuitive to use. This pistol is perfect for concealed carry and self-defense.
  • Taurus Slim (PT709 Slim): This 9mm single stack design is both practical and effective as a self-defense weapon.
  • Kahr CM9: This handgun is small and light, making it ideal for concealed carry. The well-known brand has been popularized by law enforcement and the military.
  • Springfield Armory XDs 3.3 and 4.0: This pistol is a high-capacity self-defense weapon. With a slew of safety features for secure carry and peace of mind.
  • Sig P365: This pistol has redefined the micro-compact pistol category. One of the most coveted firearms in the industry.

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What is a Subcompact 9mm Pistol?

Pistols generally fall into one of three main size categories: full-size, compact, and subcompact. For this article, I will define these categories broadly as follows:

Single Stack vs Double Stack
Single vs. Double Stack Mags
  • The full-size pistol has a barrel at least four and a half inches long and a capacity of sixteen or more rounds.
  • Compact pistols will have a barrel length of around four inches and will carry from ten to fifteen rounds.
  • The subcompact pistol has a barrel length of around three inches, and the gun will carry up to ten rounds. Sometimes subcompacts are small enough be carried in a pocket holster. Most will utilize single-stack magazines with a few exceptions.

Exceptions certainly exist. 

Take the Springfield XDS as an example. This pistol is available with either a 3.3-inch or 4-inch barrel and comes with a seven-round flush-fit magazine. The 3.3-inch model is clearly a subcompact, while the 4-inch version falls into the compact category based on our earlier barrel length definition.

It can be a bit confusing. We will confine our survey to 9mm guns with a three-or-so inch barrel that has the ability to hold up to ten rounds using flush-fit (not extended) magazines. Sound good?

The subcompact gun, particularly 9mm models, is likely the fastest-growing segment in handgun production today. However, they may not suit everyone’s needs. Let’s delve into why you might consider (or choose to avoid) subcompact handguns.

Why Do You Want a Subcompact Handgun?

You need to consider why you’re interested in subcompact 9mm handguns. Generally speaking, these guns may not be the ideal choice for someone who is inexperienced with firearms.

Here’s why:

  1. Felt recoil is usually multiplied because of the lightweight and short length of the subcompact.
  2. The subcompact’s short grip frames can be challenging to manage due to their smaller size. While extended magazines can offer a larger grip, a standard flush-fit magazine does not provide this benefit, and we’re focusing specifically on flush-fit options.
  3. A shorter sight radius can make it more difficult to hit a target much beyond ten yards or so, even for experienced shooters.
  4. The magazine capacity of the little guns can be restrictive. Some subcompacts hold as few as five or six rounds, which means you must be accurate and not waste shots.

Now that we’ve decided on a subcompact 9mm and figured out how we’ll carry it, the last question is: which specific gun should I choose?

We’ve got some recommendations to help you make that decision!

Best Single Stack Subcompact 9mm Handguns

Anyway, we know you’re here for the guns, so let’s dive into them! These subcompact 9mm models are not only popular choices for concealed carry but are also among my personal favorites for the job.

I’ve rounded some of the specifications to the nearest decimal point; if you need precise measurements, be sure to check with the manufacturer. All the firearms listed are polymer-framed and striker-fired unless stated otherwise.

Let’s get started!

1. Ruger LC9s

Height 4.5 inches
Length 6 inches
Width .90 inches
Barrel 3.1 inches
Weight 17.2 oz.
Capacity 7 + 1 (9 round magazine available)
MSRP $445

This gun is a personal favorite of mine. While there are pricier options available, and I’ve carried several of them, you really can’t beat the LC9s for the value it offers. 

Ruger LC9S 9MM FDE
Meet the Ruger LC9s!

It is the quintessential subcompact 9mm. I often carry one with me due to its versatility in different carry styles and its lightweight yet powerful design.

I typically use a pocket holster for carrying, though I also have IWB-style holsters that work effectively. Given that this gun has been around for some time, there’s a good selection of holsters available!

A Word of Advice: Check the “s”

When checking out this Ruger at your local gun shop, be sure you’re looking at the LC9s. The “s” is crucial because it indicates this model is striker-fired, unlike the original LC9, which used a hammer. 

The trigger pull is very different between the two. 

As far as I know, the hammer-fired LC9 is no longer in production, but you might still encounter one while shopping. 

For now, let’s focus on the LC9s. The trigger on my LC9s is about 5 pounds and operates smoothly. The sights are dovetailed, allowing for replacements if desired, but the factory sights perform admirably.

Ruger LC9 with the IWB Holster
Ruger LC9s

Ruger has often been criticized for over-building many of its handguns, adding extra weight and strength where it might not be necessary. However, the LC9s is not one of those cases.

It measures under an inch in width, weighs just over one pound, and is compact enough to fit comfortably in a pocket. Despite its size, it remains robust and is rated for +P ammunition for limited use. I’ve fired hundreds of 124-grain cast bullet reloads through mine without any issues related to the gun. 

The LC9s comes with a standard seven-round flush-fit magazine, and nine-round magazines with a finger extension are also available. With both magazines loaded and one in the chamber, you have a total of 17 rounds of 9mm self-defense ammo ready to go. 

That should be more than sufficient.

Too Thin?

One criticism I’ve heard about this gun is that it feels too slim and can shift in your hand while shooting. Personally, I’d prefer to add something to a slim, easily concealed grip rather than try to remove material from a grip that’s too wide.

But to be honest, I did find it a little squirmy, but it wasn’t a hard fix. I choose to add step traction tape to my grips. Y’know, the stuff that is designed to be put on the leading edge of stair steps to add non-slip traction. 

Why? It’s cheap, it’s tough, it adds a lot of grip, and I can go pick it up at my local hardware store. All I need to do is trim pieces to fit where I want them on my grips. You can also find custom-cut grip stickers, too, if you wanna drop a little more on your gat.

If you’re not a fan of a sandpaper-like grip though, that tip’s not for you. Be warned.

But Can It Hit?

LC9S and target
15 yards with the LC9s.

The gun proves to be quite accurate. Here’s a photo of a target I recently shot from 15 yards as evidence. While subcompact handguns can sometimes be tricky to aim, the LC9s handles this challenge effortlessly.

Though the group is slightly off to the right (my error), it demonstrates the impressive accuracy of a gun designed for short-range situations. The ammo used was my handloads, but factory ammunition could potentially produce even tighter groups.

This target is just one of many that highlight the LC9s’s inherent accuracy. For close-range encounters, this gun offers more than sufficient precision. Ruger’s reputation for manufacturing reliable firearms at a fair price is well-established, and the LC9s continues that proud tradition. 


Looking for a yellow LC9s? No problem! There are various color combinations available, so you don’t have to settle for a plain black gun.

Another option to consider: the LC9s can be purchased with or without a thumb safety and a magazine disconnect safety. If the model doesn’t have “Pro” in its name, it includes both of these safeties. 

My model is not a Pro version. Personally, I believe carry guns should have automatic safeties rather than requiring additional steps, like flipping off a thumb safety. You want a gun that is safe but also readily accessible when you need it!

Striker-fired guns often come with built-in safeties. External manual safeties are usually considered redundant and are included mainly to comply with regulations in states that mandate them. Of course, you don’t have to use them if you prefer not to!

LC9S taken down
Field-stripped LC9s.

Another variant to consider is the EC9s. This is the budget-friendly version of the LC9s, featuring fixed, non-adjustable front and rear sights and shallower slide serrations to help cut costs. 

The finish on the EC9s is also modified to reduce manufacturing expenses. Priced around $299, the EC9s offers great value if you’re fine with non-adjustable sights and are looking for an affordable subcompact 9mm option. 

For the LC9s, you can typically find it for up to $100 less than the MSRP at your local gun shop. Both options provide excellent value for their price.

2. Glock G43 Gen 4

Height 4.25 inches
Length 6.25 inches
Width 1 inch
Barrel 3.4 inches
Weight 20.6 oz. with loaded magazine (18 oz. empty)
Capacity 6 + 1
MSRP $499
Glock 43
Glock G43 Gen 4

The G43 is Glock’s foray into the single-stack 9mm subcompact market. 

It took some time for Glock to develop this model, as many other major manufacturers had already released their single-stack subcompact 9mm pistols by the time the G43 was launched. 

Despite the delay, the G43 quickly became a popular choice and has remained a top-seller for Glock. It is also commonly used by law enforcement officers as a backup firearm.

Glock 42 Muzzle
The business end of the G43.

What’s with the Hype?

What makes the G43 so appealing as a carry gun?

If you’re a Glock owner, you likely already understand. For those who aren’t familiar, Glock’s reputation for ease of use and reliability explains why the G43 is so sought after. 

The G43 is one of Glock’s top-selling models. Its single-stack magazine enables it to achieve the coveted one-inch width, a feature many manufacturers aim for in their designs.

Glock 43 Grip
The redesigned Gen 4 grip.

While the G43 is a bit heavier than some other subcompact 9mms, weighing just under 21 ounces, this doesn’t deter those who carry it. An IWB holster—or even a pocket holster if your pockets are large enough—lets you carry it comfortably all day without much notice.

For those already familiar with Glocks, the benefits of carrying a G43 are clear. All Glocks function similarly, with a consistent trigger across the brand. To many shooters, Glock signifies reliability and uniformity among its models. Frankly, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better option than the Glock 43.

Prices for this model generally hover close to MSRP, so don’t expect significant discounts when shopping around.

3. Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9

Height 4.6 inches
Length 6.1 inches
Width .95 inch
Barrel 3.1 inches
Weight 19 oz.
Capacity 1 – 7 round and 1 – 8 round (extended base plate) magazine
MSRP $449
S&W M&P Shield 9
The Smith and Wesson M&P Shield 9 with the extended 8-round magazine.

The S&W Shield was highly anticipated by the shooting community. The buzz increased when S&W team shooter Julie Golob showcased the Shield’s accuracy by hitting targets at 100 yards and beyond on a well-known shooting TV show.

Upon its release in 9mm and .40 S&W calibers, the Shield quickly became a popular choice, and it’s easy to see why.

S&W M&P Shield 9 Grip
The M&P’s grip is nice and… grippy.

The Shield ranks among the top-selling concealed carry firearms. It has since been made available in .45 ACP, broadening its appeal, but we’ll focus on the 9mm version here.

I had one of these 9mm models previously and ended up selling it—mistake on my part, so take this as a lesson learned!

The Shield is a well-regarded firearm, comfortable to handle, equipped with effective sights, and reliably cycles a wide range of ammunition. As part of the M&P series, it benefits from several key features:

  • Take-down is accomplished by rotating a takedown lever instead of removing a pin
  • The stainless steel slide carries an Armornite finish, which is truly tough and won’t show minor wear
  • A thumb safety is optional
  • Three-dot sights
  • Hinged trigger safety
  • Deeply-cut slide serrations ease racking the slide
S&W M&P Shield 9 Muzzle
Not a sight you want to see…

Like its larger M&P brethren, the Shield has a lot of great features that set it apart from others. 

Quality Where it Matters

Mine was definitely a quality gun, made to exacting specifications and its quality was evident at the range. The gun was accurate and easy to carry. I put it in a DeSantis Inside Heat IWB holster (one of the few left-hand holsters I could find) and it rode there unnoticed by me, for the most part.

With over a million of these subcompact 9mms sold, their reputation is well-established. Should any issues arise, the lifetime service policy ensures they will be resolved promptly.

S&W M&P Shield 9 Rear Sight
Check out those sights!

I’ve had positive experiences with S&W’s customer service, which is considered among the best in the industry.

The Shield’s grip angle aids in naturally aligning the gun with the target, making it easy to aim quickly. This intuitive aiming is crucial for effective shooting. The grip texture is perfectly designed to keep the gun secure in your hand during firing.

The sight picture is excellent—three dots align promptly and consistently, with sufficient space around the front sight for precise shooting. 

It’s no surprise that S&W sells so many Shields; they are reliable performers well-suited for concealed carry. You can expect to find them priced between $370 and $400 in real-world settings.

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4. Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ 9

Height 5.0 inches
Length 6.8 inches
Width 1.0 inch
Barrel 3.68 inches
Weight 20 oz.
Capacity 1 – 8 round magazine
MSRP $505 (black; Crimson Trace laser available at extra cost)
MP Shield EZ
The .380 version of the M&P Shield EZ

If you like the M&P Shield 9 but find racking the slide challenging, the Shield EZ 9 might be your perfect fit!

The EZ model retains all the quality features of the Shield 9 but comes with a slide that’s incredibly easy to manipulate. The serrations are designed to provide a secure grip, making the slide pull back effortlessly, even if you have limited hand strength.

Unlike the striker-fired Shield 9, the EZ features a Single Action Only (SAO) system. This means you’ll need to rack the slide to chamber a round. The Shield EZ can be equipped with either an external thumb safety or a grip safety. The grip safety, while making the gun appear slightly bulkier, simplifies disengagement—just grip the gun firmly to deactivate it.

Although some grip safety models can be cumbersome to manage, the Shield EZ lives up to its name, offering a user-friendly experience that’s easy to handle and operate.

Size Matters

While the Shield EZ 9 is technically a subcompact, it does slightly exceed our standard size limits compared to the Shield 9. The differences are minimal, though—less than half an inch in most dimensions, with the barrel being 0.7 inches longer.

Despite the increased length, the Shield EZ 9 maintains a compact profile that’s still easy to carry. The slightly longer barrel contributes to a tighter sight radius, though the triple-dot sights offer a clear and effective sight picture under various conditions.

The Shield EZ 9 comes with an 8+1 magazine as standard, whereas the Shield 9 typically comes with a 7+1 mag, with an extended 8+1 option available. Additionally, the EZ 9 features a small Picatinny rail under the barrel, which can be handy if you want to attach a light.

The Shield EZ 9 provides enhanced functionality with its easier-to-operate slide and additional features, making it a great option if you prefer a bit more size for the added benefits. Expect to find it priced between $400 and $500 in the real world.

5. Beretta BU9 Nano

Height 4.2 inches
Length 5.6 inches
Width .90 inch
Barrel 3.1 inches
Weight 20 oz.
Capacity 1 – 6 round and 1 – 8 round (extended base plate) magazine
MSRP $450 (black; other colors or Crimson Trace laser available at extra cost)
Beretta BU9 Nano and keys
The BU9 Nano. Source: Beretta

The Nano was the first striker-fired Beretta marketed by Beretta USA, designed to be easily concealed in a pocket or other holster. It’s not a whole lot bigger than some .380 pistols out there but it wields a 9mm punch!

This pistol boasts several distinctive features. When I owned one a few years back, I was impressed by its diminutive size—it really did fit comfortably in a pocket. Notable attributes of the Nano include:

  • A reversible magazine release
  • A striker deactivator for service and disassembly
  • Hex-key-adjustable sights
  • Serialized chassis so you can exchange the guns’ frame for another of a different color if desired
Beretta BU9 Nano Striker Deactivator
That tiny little pin is the striker deactivator–and is very, very handy. Source: Beretta

At first glance, the Nano might seem like it would sit high in your hand, but it doesn’t. Although the grip is small, accommodating only two fingers with the flush magazine, the design of the backstrap and beavertail provides a comfortable fit that compensates for the slightly higher bore axis. 

The grip you get is more than adequate for steadying the gun during firing. While Beretta’s designs, like the PX Storm and Neos, may look unconventional, they are well-regarded for their solid construction and reliable performance. This model is favored by law enforcement as a dependable backup weapon. You can expect to find it priced between $320 and $400 in the real world. 

6. Taurus Slim (PT709 Slim)

Height 4.5 inches
Length 6 inches
Width 1 inch
Barrel 3.2 inches
Weight 19 oz.
Capacity 1 – 7 round magazine
MSRP $339
Taurus Slim
Taurus PT709 Slim

The Slim earns its name with good reason. At just over an inch wide, it practically vanishes inside a waistband. It’s one of Taurus’s top-selling models. 

Despite its success, it often flies under the radar compared to other Taurus offerings like the PT111 G2 or the more recent G2C.

Taurus Slim Muzzle
The muzzle of the Taurus Slim

One of my sons bought a Slim (when it was called the PT709 Slim) and I was impressed. It was brand new and felt like it. The trigger was a bit rough, but with some shooting, it will wear in and smooth up. 

This was not my first experience with Taurus striker-fired guns’ triggers–I’ve owned several and they slick up over time. Just a quirk of the brand, I suppose.

Taurus Slim Grip
The Slim’s grip is pretty unique!

Pleasant Surprises

There were a couple of things that pleasantly surprised me about the Slim when I shot it.

Firstly, the recoil was surprisingly manageable, even with hotter loads. The gun seemed to push straight back rather than flipping the muzzle upward. This unique handling can be attributed to its relatively low bore axis and the high handhold position under the beavertail and trigger guard.

Taurus Slim Sight
Taurus Slim’s rear sights.

Another feature that stood out was the fully adjustable rear sight. From my experience with other Taurus striker-fired models equipped with this sight, it tends to hold its adjustment well once set.

While some might argue that an adjustable sight on a carry gun is less desirable, I appreciate the flexibility it provides. It allows you to fine-tune the sight alignment for specific ammunition without resorting to unconventional methods like tapping the rear sight or using Kentucky windage. With the Slim, you can make precise adjustments with a screwdriver, not a mallet. 

Although the Slim might not be in production currently, you can still find used models available. Despite its rarity, we recommend this pistol for its merits and overall performance.

7. Taurus G2S

While browsing Taurus’s website recently to verify some specifications, I stumbled upon a new release: the Taurus G2S. It appears that the G2C has inspired a new variant, the G2S, which is a single-stack model with a 7+1 capacity. This new addition is priced with an MSRP of around $318.

Taurus G2S
Taurus G2S. Source: Ellis County Firearms

Although I haven’t had the chance to handle the G2S myself, given my positive experiences with the Taurus Slim and the G2C, I’m quite confident that the G2S will measure up favorably against its predecessors.

Not-so-Lifetime Warranty

If you are buying a Taurus, you need to be aware that Taurus has changed its lifetime repair policy. 

Firearms manufactured before January 1, 2017, come with a lifetime warranty, whereas models released after this date are covered by a one-year warranty. Given that the Slim is a renamed previous model, it should still fall under the lifetime warranty, as would the PT111 G2.

On the other hand the G2C/G2S would have a one-year warranty since they are newly designed models. This is mentioned just to make the shopper aware of the policy change.

At any rate, Taurus has put forth great effort under new leadership to deliver guns that are reliable and are good buys for the money. 

Their efforts are paying off. If you are looking for a more budget-friendly subcompact 9mm. Expect a real world price of around $275-$300.

8. Kahr CM9

Height 4 inches
Length 5.4 inches
Width .9 inch
Barrel 3 inches
Weight 14 oz.
Capacity 1 – 6 round magazine
MSRP $460
Kahr CM9
Kahr CM9. Source: Mrgunsngear’s Blog

My CM9 was so compact that I often forgot I had it on me. This ultra-small 9mm is a prime candidate for pocket carry. I fed it both my handloads and factory defensive ammo without any issues. The recoil with the hotter loads was quite noticeable, but the gun is rated for +P ammo, though I wouldn’t push it to its limits. As far as subcompact 9mm pistols go, this one truly exemplifies the category.

As for the company, Kahr (which also owns Auto Ordnance and Magnum Research) makes its guns in the U.S. There are four basic lines of pistols under the Kahr banner–the P series, M series, T series, and C series. 

The main difference is that the P/M/T series guns use polygonal-rifled barrels while the C series’ barrels are rifled conventionally. For me, a bullet caster and reloader, this last difference between the two was the most important as cast bullets are not always recommended for polygonal-rifled barrels. So, the little CM9 shot my cast reloads and did a good job of it!

Kahr CM9 in hand
Small but mighty!

Kahr guns are noted for their smooth trigger pulls (although they are a bit long) and slightly offset barrel feed ramp. This allows the design to be more compact and yet offer reliable feeding. 

The Downside: Not Much!

One drawback I found with the CM9 was the takedown process. Aligning the notches on the slide with those on the frame to pull out the slide release can be a bit fiddly and requires some practice and dexterity.

Nevertheless, if you’re in search of one of the smallest—if not the smallest—subcompact 9mm options, the CM9 is worth considering. The Kahr C series offers three sizes and capacities: the CM (6+1), CW (7+1), and CT (8+1). I highlight the CM9 specifically because it’s the most compact of the Kahr 9mm models, and I can personally vouch for its performance. It’s a solid choice at a real-world price of approximately $360.

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9. Springfield Armory XDs 3.3 and 4.0

Specs XDs
Height 4.4 inches (5 inches with extended magazine)
Length 6.3 (3.3”); 7 inches (4”)
Width .9 inch
Barrel 3.3 or 4 inches
Weight 23 (3.3”); 25 oz. (4”)
Capacity 1 – 7 round and 1 – 8 round magazine with extension
MSRP $499
Specs XD-E (Hammer-Fired)
Height 5 inches (5.25 inches with extended magazine)
Length 6.75 inches
Width 1 inch
Barrel 3.3 inches
Weight 25 oz.
Capacity 1 – 8 round and 1 – 9 round magazine with extension
MSRP $525
XD-S 3.3 9MM Handgun
Springfield Armory XDs. Source: Springfield Armory

Springfield Armory is taking its small carry gun line to the next level. With the introduction of the XD line to the U.S. in 2001, the company has steadily grown its market share of subcompact guns. 

Calibers range from 9mm to .40 to .45 ACP but we will concentrate on the 9mm.

Why Three Guns?

The XDs (slim) and the XD-E (exposed hammer) lines both utilize single-stack magazines and are very close to one another in terms of specs, handling and shooting. That is why we are mentioning all three guns. 

The only difference between the XDs 3.3 and the XDs 4.0 is barrel length and accompanying overall length difference. The action and everything else are the same. 

Anyways, the XD-E is a new model that is hammer-fired, has a slide that requires 27% less effort to rack than the other two guns and has an external thumb safety in place of the other guns’ grip safety. 

On the other hand, the E model is designed to be used by less-experienced shooters–but is still a viable option for concealed carry.

Get to the Details!

XD model pistols stand out with a unique feature set. They incorporate a grip safety similar to the 1911, setting them apart from many other handguns.

Secondly, many XDs have a fiber optic front sight with red, green or orange rods that you can interchange. 

Third, they use a striker status indicator at the back of the slide and a loaded chamber indicator that is tactile on top of the chamber.

I love all these features for a carry gun because it makes it just that much easier to operate, get on target, and verify whether you’re loaded or not. In a stressful event like a self-defense situation, you’ll want all the help you can get.

XD-S 3.3 9MM Handgun muzzle
The XDz 3.3. Source: Springfield Armory

These pistols are good sellers and are well made. I owned an XDs in .45 ACP. It was a great shooter and carried very well. The reason I sold it was the magazine capacity–five rounds. I got tired of swapping flush-fitting magazines many times during a range session. 

Aside from that, it was a reliable firearm with a superb grip angle and excellent ergonomics.

Beginner Friendly

The XD-E is an excellent choice for new shooters, thanks to its low-force slide retraction and exposed hammer. With a striker-fired gun, it can be challenging for a beginner to determine the weapon’s readiness. An exposed, cocked hammer clearly indicates that the gun is ready to fire.

I have a strong appreciation for the XD line and am contemplating one for my next acquisition. These pistols are well-constructed, reliable, and supported by a reputable company. You can expect to find the XDs priced around $360-$400, while the XD-E typically costs between $420-$480 in real-world conditions.

10. Sig P365

Height 4.3 inches
Length 5.8 inches
Width 1 inch
Barrel 3.1 inches
Weight 17.8 oz.
Capacity 10 + 1
MSRP $599
SIG P365 Left side
Sig Sauer P365

The new Sig P365 is taking over the concealed carry 9mm market if you believe what you read and the videos you see about this gun. 

Well, maybe not total domination but it is attracting a following. 

Double Stack, Double Fun

This is the only double-stack magazine model featured in this article, which might seem surprising given the focus on subcompact, easily concealed firearms.

Most double-stacks don’t fit these criteria well. However, this model earns its place due to its impressive specifications. Despite being a double-stack, its size is comparable to the other subcompacts discussed here, with the main difference being its superior capacity.

SIG P365 and magazine
P365 with the extended baseplate mag

The P365 comes with two 10-round magazines, and you can also get a 12-round magazine. With the included extra 10-rounder and an additional 12-round mag, you could carry a total of 33 rounds.

Ten plus one, plus ten more, and twelve moreU that should be enough for just about anybody!

SIG P365 in holster
P365 in a holster

The capacity is only one reason to look at this gun. Sights are another. XRAY3 Day/Night sights are available from the factory, so you won’t have to spend more to add night sights to your P365. 

Another factor is that the gun is rated for +P ammo. Most people who have shot a P365 say they shoot very well and are controllable. Recoil from +P ammo in an 18-ounce gun could get a little exciting, but the word is that recoil isn’t all that bad.

SIG P365 Sight
Your view down the sights!


If you are a Sig lover, give it a look. If you’re not particularly fond of SigsU give it a look. I have owned other Sigs and they are very well-made guns. Expect to pay close to MSRP for a P365–the supply is very slowly catching up with the demand.

Honorable Mentions

Kel-Tec PF-9

If you are on a pretty strict budget but still want to have a decent subcompact 9mm to carry, take a look at the PF-9. You get one 7-round magazine and a gun that will definitely fit in a pocket holster. 

Kel-Tec guns are made in Florida and they are backed by excellent customer service. You can find the PF-9 for around $250.

Sig P938

The Sig P938 is a 1911-style subcompact 9mm. It looks and functions as a 1911 would but is a bit different on the inside. This little gun is very popular, which is why it had to make our list.

The P938 includes Sig NiteLight sights and a 6+1 capacity. Being a single-action gun, most folks carry it cocked and locked, though the ambidextrous thumb safety helps keep the gun safe when it’s not being fired. 

Sig’s reputation doesn’t hurt anything, either–this is a solid gun. The alloy frame adds to the weight and allows you to fit custom grip panels if so desired. I have seen this gun priced anywhere from $550 – $650.

GunBest FeaturesPrice
Ruger LC9sA firm and comfortable grip
Slim, lightweight and compact
High-visibility, dovetailed sight system with drift adjustable rear sight and fixed front sight
Striker-fired with a short, light, crisp trigger pull for faster, more accurate shooting
Glock 43 Gen 4Reversible magazine catch
Interchangeable backstraps
Dual recoil spring assembly reduces the recoil
Rough textured frame
S&W M&P Shield 9Extremely thin and lightweight
Polymer frame with embedded stainless steel rigid chassis system
Striker-fired for short consistent trigger pull
M&P’s patented take-down lever and sear deactivation systems
With extended capacity
S&W M&P Shield EZ 9Easy-rack slide with bold three-dot sights, polymer frame on a steel chassis. Integrated grip safety and optional thumb safety. Holds 8+1 rounds.
Beretta BU9 NanoComfortable to use
Comes with a serialized chassis and modular design
Weighs 19.8 ounces (just over 1 pound)
Taurus Slim (PT709 Slim)It holds 7+1 rounds in total capacity
Rated to handle +P ammunition
Keep recoil down
The controls are easy to reach with only one hand
Kahr CM9Micro-compact 9mms can be a handful to shoot
The system is smooth and consistent
Easy to use
Most women will find this comfortable to carry anywhere
Springfield Armory XDs 3.3 and 4.0The most accurate and easy to shoot
Interchangeable backstraps
Powerful pistol for self-defense
Sig P365The best size to capacity ratio of any subcompact pistol
With good trigger and sights
Comfortable to use


As with any “best of” or “roundup” article, the selection of these guns is influenced by my personal experiences. These are some of my favorite subcompact 9mm handguns, but your preferences might differ.  

Ultimately, you need to choose a gun that feels right in your hand, offers reliability, and is something you trust for self-defense. This decision is entirely personal. 

For first-time buyers, it’s crucial to consider your specific needs and make a choice based on that. Ideally, you should handle the gun you’re interested in before buying. If a range rental isn’t feasible, ask your local gun store staff to help you handle it safely in-store.  

Be safe, first and foremost, and then practice with range ammo and your proven-in-your-own-gun self-defense ammo. And don’t forget to have fun!

If you carry concealed, don’t forget to check out our guide to the best concealed carry insurance. You never know when you’ll need it.

  1. Hi Mike,
    I just wanted to say thanks. I really enjoyed your article. I’ve read a many gun articles recently and this was more informative (and well written) than most. I didn’t know the Springfield XD-E had an easier to rack slide. My father-in-law just took a pistol training class and was complaining about the slides. I’ll pass that along to him. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words. I try to put information out there that I would be interested in if I were looking for a gun. Having owned most of these guns (and having been a shooter for over 40 years), I’ve learned a few things about what makes a certain gun a good buy or not. Tell him about the XD-E, and, if he’s interested in a .380, the S&W Shield EZ has a very easy slide to rack, as well. I was totally blown away by how easily it overcame the recoil spring and allowed a round to be chambered. Just another gun to consider. Again, thanks for the very kind words!

  2. Hi Mike. Could you check to see if the new Diamondback Db9 gen 4 should make it on this list? I am thinking about buying it but wanted to see some reviews first. Thank you.

    1. Charles, to be honest I’ve not shot a Diamondback 9mm – all I know is what I’ve seen by reviewers and forum contributors. I did look it up to check any new features they might have included in the Gen 4 model and I’m impressed with the gun’s look and specifications. The new Glock sight compatibility, forward slide serrations, enhanced grip ergonomics improved trigger/reset, 6+1 capability, captive recoil spring and new slide release lever bring the DB9 into the fold with other small 9mm’s feature sets. To be honest, some DB9s seem to have had reliability issues according to some reviewers, while others only sing its praises. For a 13-ounce, .90-inch-wide pocket pistol, it looks very interesting – especially considering its $269 full MSRP. You should be able to find one around $200, I’d imagine. Couple that with its limited lifetime warranty to the original purchaser and I’d say it’d be worth a hard look. Thanks for your comment!

    1. Ari, my very first thought is that I’d love to have one! I like the 15-rounder; I can only imagine how nice the smaller 10-rounder is. I don’t have either, but have owned enough Ruger semiautos to know that they build ’em for keeps. They are tough as nails and very reliable, not to mention very affordable. As with the LC9S, though, I do wish they’d go to a different take-down system…you can lose a pin. Other than that, I’d sure like to have one in an IWB holster. Thanks for your question!

  3. A very written article I enjoyed reading. Any one of the above guns will do the trick of subcompact carry. Once chosen the owner needs to practice to be proficient. I have found some of the guns listed were not for me, while I was more comfortable with others. The main thing is to train and be comfortable drawing and manipulating the firearm as needed as well stated in the article.

    1. Kevin, you’re right…any of these would work, it’s just we shoot some better than others. Thanks for writing!

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