Taurus G3c title 2

Taurus G3c upgrades

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I own a Taurus G3c. I had owned two G2cs, the immediate predecessors of this smaller brother to the compact-size (15 and 17 round magazines included) G3. This compact version, the G3c, was introduced with much hoopla after a media embargo on June 15th of last year. I reviewed the gun (here) after the deadline had passed. I liked the gun so much I ended up buying it. 

Improving The G2c Equals The G3c

The G3c is an upgrade to Taurus’ great-selling compact, the G2c. Major improvements included a better trigger, Glock-compatible replaceable sights, forward slide serrations and no frame-mounted keyed safety lock. The basic gun was the same, but the improvements made a good gun even better. Without telling the whole story over again, please visit the links above to my earlier reviews of the two guns. Suffice it to say that the guns performed as advertised.

But… How to Improve The G3c?

I guess that if you have never held or shot a G2c, you’ll have to take my word for it that the G3c is an improvement. The original wasn’t that bad – the trigger was probably the one feature that needed improving – and the replacement is one of the best-selling guns that Taurus makes. Even so, there are some upgrades that you can do to your personal copy to make it just a bit better. Let’s look at a few of them… 

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Starting At The Beginning: The Taurus Shop

If you want to upgrade your G3c, the first place that it makes sense to hit is the Taurus store. They will have several options that other 3rd-party sellers won’t have. You can go directly to the G3c store web page here. When you get there, you will that there are 37 different items that you can buy for your G3c. Granted, several of them are holster variations, but you will still need something to carry your gun in, right? I found the holster shown below on this site. It is for a G3c wearing a Viridian E-series red laser, and is left-handed. That in and of itself is cause for celebration. I think some holster makers equate lefties with snipes…you know they’re out there somewhere but you haven’t seen one. Anyway, the holster (by UM Tactical) is well-made and holds the laser-equipped gun easily. I’m wearing it as I type right now, testing it for comfort. It is working well. The Taurus store is pretty complete – I had need of a front sight for a Taurus Judge and found one, a night sight – pretty neat!

Taurus G3c Front Sight

Holsters are just one of the areas that Taurus is supporting the G3c with accessories. Here are the different items you’ll see if you look at the G3c Store page:

  • The aforementioned holster. There are 13 different holsters and magazine carriers shown on this site, including right- and left-handed, IWB clip or OWB paddle and pocket models. The selection is truly decent, with models from Crossbreed, UM Tactical, Galco, Sticky and Bulldog.  
  • Sights. Replacement sights are from XS, TruGlo and Tandemkross and come in either fiber optic or night sight versions. Everything from fiber optic to XS Big Dots to multiple variations of night and fiber sights are there. And, if you don’t want to whack your new night sight with a mallet to get it into the slide dovetail, there’s a sight pusher tool you can get. I got one – I’ll keep you posted!
  • Recoil springs. You can get an OEM Taurus captive recoil spring and rod or opt for one from Lakeline.
  • Magazines. Choose from the following capacities: 10, 12, 15, 17 or 32, all made for the G3c with extension collars on the 15-, 17- and 32-round magazines. I got a couple of 17 rounders – they come in handy for either range work or as concealed carry back-up. Also, there are a couple of magazine loaders available.
  • Laser sights. Pick up a Viridian red laser for your G3c – I put one on mine with minimal fuss – and then choose a holster that will allow the gun and the laser to be tucked safely away until needed. If you want a rail-mount sight (as opposed to Viridian’s trigger guard mount), go for a LaserMax Spartan laser – no matter if you want red or green, they’re there.
  • Range Bag. If you expand your Store search to include range bags, you can select one from the several shown. I chose the Taurus-branded Draco Range/Ammo/Tool bag. Talk about a heavy-duty bag – I don’t think even I can break it! Inside the bag was the usual Taurus-logo window decals, plus something very handy for those of use who take beaucoup photos of guns – a clear, acrylic thick rod with a larger disc on one end with the Taurus logo. I don’t even know what to call this – a gun prop? You’ve seen them in gun stores and may have a few. This one doubles my rod prop collection to two – this Taurus-branded one, plus an old Charter Arms one I’ve had for a good while. 

There are other options out there for a G3c upgrade, but the Taurus store has a lot of quality items at reasonable prices. Plus, even better, they seem to have most of these items in stock, ready to ship. In this day and age, that says a lot!

Let’s look a few specific upgrades that I chose to spotlight for purposes of this article. I chose the following items to either add to or replace existing things on my G3c. They included:

  • Night Sights. I got a set of TruGlo night sights with a front sight orange ring. Taurus was smart when they designed the G3c’s sights to be Glock-compatible. Even the full-size G3 can’t claim that. Another plus is that it let me use my new Taurus sight pusher!
  • Viridian Red Laser. OK – I just put night sights on the gun, so why a laser sight? Because I wanted to. I’m constantly experimenting with equipment because I am constantly asked by other shooters about equipment. So, I want to be up to speed on things…hence the laser mount. Plus, I like lasers on guns – especially when our cat wants to play. I just have to make sure the gun is unloaded… 
  • Holster. I ordered the laser above partially to see if the UM Tactical IWB holster I got would allow it to fit. It did. The gun and laser went into the holster like a tired horse heads to his barn. I adjusted the tension screws a bit and it’s good to go. The holster is well-made, with a good clip.
  • Magazines. OK, so magazines may not be an upgrade but I wanted to see how Taurus handled the extension collar that longer magazines need when they go into a shorter gun. The collar was well-done, with matching texturing. I also like the fact that Taurus magazine followers are yellow – that makes them easy to see when you’re about empty. Originally, my G3c came with three – not two – three 12-round magazines. Add in the two 17-rounders I just received and I’ll have 70+1 rounds available. Of course, I won’t carry that many – wow – but for a day at the range, load them all and have fun! 

The only other item that I ordered but hasn’t come in yet is a stainless recoil rod/spring. This is not an absolute necessity (at least for me – I know others differ on that opinion), but is a nice upgrade. I have never had a problem with the OEM rods and springs. You can the original OEM rod and spring for $9.99 or the Lakeline stainless one for $26.95 from the Taurus store.

Those are the upgrades I’ve done to my Taurus… I’ll have to check out the performance factor when the weather clears and temperatures get above frigid. Here are some photos…

Upgrading The Taurus G3c Title 2

(OK, the Judge sight isn’t for the G3c, but the orange foam added some color).

Taurus G3c upgrade left
Taurus G3c Gun (right)

My G3c with the 17-round extended magazine, Viridian red laser and TRUGLO Tritium night sights installed – nice!

Taurus G Series Viridian Laser
Taurus G3c Laser Right 1

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Taurus G3c Holster in Bag
Taurus G3c Holster Out of Bag

The UM Tactical Qualifier holster. Made of 4332 Boltaron, the holster includes an outside-the-waistband strap that your belt goes into and through. Or, if you need more concealment, just go with the clip that comes on the holster. This is a nice holster.

Taurus G3c in Holster Left

G3c in the UM Tactical holster and the 17-round magazine…as many on board as a Glock 17 with a shorter barrel and slide. That is the current trend – shorter barrel and slide, longer grip. The first example that comes to mind is the Glock 19X – a Glock 19 slide on a Glock 17 frame.

Taurus G3c in Holster Right
Taurus G3c in Holster with 12 round magazine in place

Here it is with the 12-round magazine in place. This is the same capacity as the S&W M&P 9mm subcompact has. Taurus includes three 12-round magazines with the gun. 

Taurus G3c Magazines 1

17-round magazine

Taurus G3c Night Sight Package

The night sights…

Taurus G3c Night Sight rear
Taurus G3c Night Sight Front
Taurus G3c Sight Picture 1

These Tru-Glo night sights were a snap to install – just make sure you buy the sight pusher, which gives you the means by which to install the rear sight without having to beat on your gun with a mallet. I got the Glock version of these sights, since the G3c’s dovetails are made for those sights. Remember that you will also need a Glock front sight tool to tighten the screw with if you opt for that version of these sights. Most of the sights on the Taurus store site are made for Glocks, so invest in the tool beforehand. Trust me, it does make it easier to install the front sight if you have that tool.

Taurus G3c Sight Pusher

Taurus-branded sight pusher – it locks the G3c’s slide at the bottom and then pushes from the top. Just oil it first a bit…

Taurus G3c Upgraded with Accessories

And, to carry all your new gear, a very nice, heavy-duty range bag:

Taurus G3c Range Bag

So… What Does It All Mean?

Without getting philosophical, what are the upsides of upgrading some of the pieces-parts of your particular pistol? In two words, enhanced shooting. You upgrade your pistol for the same reason that, when you were 17, you upgraded your set of wheels. You achieved an enhanced driving experience by working on your engine, wheels, exhaust, etc. – or at least in your mind you enhanced it. (Plus, you were also trying to attract attention from certain members of the opposite sex but that’s another article).

You build up your gun for much the same reason (minus the opposite sex one) – you want a heightened experience when you can find the time and ammo to go out to do some shooting. If some new sights or a laser helps you hit better, great – that’s why they make them. If longer magazines mean you don’t have to stop to reload as often, great  – that’s their purpose. And, if your gun is able to go with you more often because you finally found a holster that works with the laser on your gun, great – that’s the goal.   

Another purpose of upgrading your gun, especially your carry gun, is to make it more reliable. If your confidence level goes up a few notches because you now believe that your skill level has strengthened a bit because you’re shooting more due to something you did to your gun or that it’s more fun now, that’s a win… that’s what it’s all about, eh?

If you’ve upgraded your G3c (or any gun, for that matter) and wish to tell us about it, please comment below. As always, keep ‘em in the black and stay safe!  

  1. Great article on the G3C, I recently purchased and got a couple of 17rd magazines also. With the collars installed the Taurus fits my big hands perfectly. Also bought the Lakeland stainless recoil rod/spring and the threaded barrel to finish it out. The fiber optics are on order. Again, thanks Mike for the great piece on the G3C.

  2. It’s curious to me that you chose to go with Tritium night sights and the Viridian red laser. The combination would best be suited to shooting at night but you’ve seemingly eliminated positive target identification in such low-light circumstances by blocking the use of the Picatinny rail for a weapon light with the Viridian. Now, if the Veridian were green it would have some daytime use, but red just doesn’t work that well in daylight. May I suggest that you reconsider the Viridian in favor of a good light/laser combination? And if a leftie holster for such a setup is holding you back, Werkz and Falco both make models that will work well for a leftie with such a setup.

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